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Food Sensitivity Formula
First created by world renown immunologist Dr. Arthur Coca.
This is the #1 formula you need to know if you suspect you have a food allergy or sensitivity.
Let me ask you...
If this sounds even vaguely familiar to you, you're in the right place. You're not alone. I felt the same way and since then, I've worked with hundreds of people just like you... FACT: 9 out of 10 people have at least one food sensitivity they don't know about... 8 out of 10 have more than one. “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” ― Wigmore If you don't know which foods are bad for your body you run the risk of loosing the ability to control your body. Food sensitivity can trigger serious pain. Here are just a few of the symptoms of food sensitivity.
Here's the thing about food sensitivity... Food Sensitivities are a pain in the ASS. I don't say this lightly either. I would say pain in the butt but that just doesn't do it justice...pain in the ASS is more like it! They're miserable. The symptoms seem so random and confusing. Heck 9 time out of 10 you don't even realize you're sensitive to a food until you figure it out on your own. You've probably been to a doctor...maybe even a specialist or two. Each concluding, "they don't know what's wrong with you". The average traditional doctor receives less than 8 hours of nutritional training during their entire medical schooling. The fact is, you probably know more about your nutrition than the average doctor. Everything I'm going to reveal to you today is based on nutritional science and things you can SEE. Nothing woo-woo about it...(although, once you implement what I show you, it will appear as if your symptoms melt away as if by magic.) You'll understand how and why all this works in just a second. Unfortunately, despite what you've probably read online, there is no "Master List of Foods to Avoid". I wish it were that easy. This is because food sensitivities are different from person to person and you can have a food sensitivity to ANY food! In fact, most food sensitivities are common everyday foods. A food sensitivity is like eating a poison that is "silently" and "slowly" killing you. Unlike with an allergy, with food sensitivity, your body's reaction to the food is delayed. Because of this, most people (including traditional doctors) don't attribute the symptom to food at all. The delay between eating the food and having a symptom can be hours to days. This makes it nearly impossible to pinpoint the problem food without special insights into what's going on.
Those special insights is what I'm going to share with you today. Are you beginning to see why food sensitivity is such a challenge to solve? Here's an example you're sure to recognize. Gluten/wheat intolerance is an example of a food sensitivity that's making big headlines. (It's vitally important to KNOW which food is your SPECIFIC problem food and not rely on marketing campaigns of the food industry. Only a small percentage of people who have a food sensitivity are gluten intolerant...many misidentify bread or wheat as a problem food because of all the attention gluten is getting. This means they could be eating and enjoying bread, pasta and cereals all along! You do not want to make this mistake.) You've probably seen this...if a true sufferer of gluten intolerance eats bread, a doughnut, bagel, pasta or something else that has gluten in it, they pay the price in some very painful way. Most who have this particular sensitivity suffer YEARS before they connect the dots between wheat/gluten and their extreme joint pain, headaches, fatigue, irritability, digestive disorders and a slew of other symptoms. The same may be true of your own food sensitivity. The good news? With food sensitivity, if you STOP eating the problem food...the symptoms STOP. (of course, to complicate matters even more, you could be eating more than one food contributing to the symptom but we'll get into that later). The good news is: many food sensitivities CAN be reversed or managed. This means you can eat the food again! I'm going to show you how. But first things first... How do you determine if you have a food sensitivity? Before I get to how you determine if you have a food sensitivity in under 3 minutes I do want to let you know... This is not for people who hate doing things for themselves. What I'm about to show you is not for people who want to sit on the couch, be passive and let their health, good or bad, just "happen" to them. This is not for someone who's looking for an easy button, quick fix or a magic pill to take. Traditional medicine has plenty of that for you. If you truly want to take control of your health, you must be committed to doing whatever it takes to extend your life and have more energy so you can feel better, enjoy the quality of life that you deserve and take better care of your family. Now if you're not that person then this is not for you. With that said, I've created a method to hunt down and find your SPECIFIC food sensitivities...the ones that trigger your ailments and transform your life for the WORSE. Remove those and you transform your life for the BETTER. I've made it all very simple but does take some effort. We are going to start at the END so you are thoroughly convinced your body has a reaction to your trigger foods and you can see it with your own eyes . I'm going to show you how to turn your invisible food sensitivity into something you can see and touch. The foundation of the 3-minute Food Sensitivity Test is an important part of the overall method and was created by Dr. Arthur F. Coca MD. Dr. Coca was a world renowned American immunologist and researcher. Many consider him the grandfather of food sensitivity. He accidentally discovered this simple pulse test back in the 1940's...not in a lab but rather at his home! Unknown to him a the time, his wife had food sensitivities. She had serious yet mysterious debilitating symptoms. They couldn't figure out the cause. Her doctors had written her off as a dead woman walking. One day while taking routine tests at home, the couple noticed her pulse would increase when she ate certain foods and not others. Long story short, he connected the dots and realized her body was REACTING to food that was BAD FOR HER BODY! He could see it as her pulse spiked. Food Sensitivity was INVISIBLE before but now VISIBLE and MEASURABLE! Here's what I mean...below is your normal resting heartbeat over time. The above graph is what YOUR heartbeat looks like over time when it's NOT under stress.
It's kind of boring right? A little up and a little down. A little up and a little down...over and over again. Your heart is just hanging out...doing it's job pumping blood. No emergencies. No reason to get excited. A boring heartbeat is what we want to see! Below is what happens to your heartbeat when you eat a food you're sensitive to. When you eat a food you're sensitivity to...your body responds. It thinks it's under attack!
A whole chain of events happen within your body when you eat a trigger food...they're important and I'll tell you all about them later...but right now let's focus on your pulse. Over the course of 90 minutes after eating a trigger food your pulse becomes irregular and chaotic. Sometimes it can race up to 20 or 30 beats per minute over your normal pulse. You may have experienced a racing heartbeat and had no understanding why. As you see with the Normal Rate (light grey line), when you eat a food you're NOT sensitive to your pulse remains normal. This discovery is very important to YOU for 2 main reasons. First, it's very easy to see the heart spikes with your own eye...and second it's easily measurable. You are going to observe the SAME reaction in YOUR body right now. I'm going to show you how. Dr. Coca studied and refined his findings with the scientific method. The Coca Pulse Test was born... His test is NOT for the faint at heart. In the complete test, he prescribes taking the pulse between 14 and 30 times a day! Which is fine for the science lab but not so practical for the real world. Don't worry, we've made this much simpler for you! The Nutritional Therapy Association refined the test to only two pules measurements and 3 minutes. We can use this test to determine if you are sensitive to a SPECIFIC FOOD. Find a food you want to test. The 3-Minute Food Sensitivity Test (BTW, more details about the test and your food sensitivity are waiting for you in your email account AND below.) Step 1: Do not eat or drink food for at least 2 hours. Step 2: Take your resting pulse for 1 minute using a stopwatch. It's easiest to use 2 fingers on the side of the neck just below your jaw to check pulse. Count each beat. Write the number down. Step 3: Place a bite of test food in your mouth and chew for 1 minute. Make sure to taste it but DO NOT SWALLOW IT...spit it out after 1 minute. Step 4: Take your pulse again. Write down your results. Step 5: Subtract test 1 from test 2 Reading Results: 0 = very unlikely the food is a sensitive food for you. Less than 3 = Less likely to be a sensitive food 4 to 5 = possible sensitivity...more investigation needed [info about how to do this is below] Greater than 6 = Highly possible sensitive food [GREAT! you found a sensitive food now what? see below for next steps] It's that simple and that powerful. You can literally see your pulse increase with problem foods and not increase with safe foods. You've tested one food. By now you might be thinking, "That's GREAT and COOL and all, but how do I use that test to find my trigger foods when I eat hundreds of different foods each week? It's impossible to test them's like trying to finding a needle in a haystack!" You're right! This test is NOT practical at the beginning to FIND your trigger use it to CONFIRM your trigger foods once you have your list. Remember, I said we started at the END! :) You'll understand what I mean by this in just a second. What's important for you to "get" right now is that food sensitivity is REAL and your body reacts to your trigger foods in a way you can SEE... heart rate spikes and elevation. Everyone alive has a pulse, including you! You now have the 65,000 foot overview of what food sensitivity is and how it works and you now know how food sensitivity is tricky and nearly impossible (when you don't have a guide) to find the exact food that's causing you pain and symptoms when you eat 100's of foods each week. You have a good idea of what kind of monster you're dealing with here. But you also can test ONE food at a time with the 3-minute home test and see with your own eyes whether it's a trigger for you or not. In this short amount of time you already have two KEY pieces of the puzzle. Like I said before, with the 3-minute pulse test we started you at the END of the journey. But what about the middle section? If your trigger foods are nearly impossible to find AND it's nearly impossible to check all the different kinds of foods you're eating with the 3-minute Food Sensitivity Home Test...How do you find your SPECIFIC list of trigger foods so you can feel better again? And how can you do it simply and easily? GREAT questions! I've spent the last 20 years answering those very question. I've suffered with food sensitivity too. I took blood test, went to doctors, specialist and even a surgeon and none of them knew what was "wrong with me". This forced me to go on a quest to discover what was going on with my body. It turns out, just like the children's story of lion and the thorn in his paw we read to our children, it was a simple food causing me so much trouble. But finding that simple food was not simple or easy. It took me years. You do not have to go that route. I want to give you everything I've discovered about food sensitivity so you can solve your own food sensitivity mystery fast. I want to show you how to put everything you've already learned to good use. This is the logical next step. If you suspect you have a food sensitivity and want to find the food triggers to your different ailments so you can begin to feel better... Discovering your SPECIFIC food triggers will help you get all this and more! I can show you how. Click the button below to learn everything I've learn to discover my own food triggers and how you can easily find yours too. |
P.S. On this page I gave you the 3-Minute Food Sensitivity Home Test inspired by world renowned immunologist Dr. Coca. This shows you how you can MEASURE and SEE your heart spikes when you eat a food you're sensitive to. This is an awesome test to CONFIRM a food is bad for you. And perfect for when you have a short list of suspect foods...I started you at the END of the food sensitivity journey with this test so you can understand how Sensitive Foods work and show you how they impact your body. This gives you proof you need. P.S. If you don't know for sure if you even have a food sensitivity or if you want to confirm it as YES or NO...then this next thing is for you. On the next page I show you how to get the 2-Minute Sit and Stand Test...this is a super simple test you can do RIGHT NOW to determine if you have allergic tension in your body. You get the results in exactly 2 minutes and 30 waiting. No doctor visit. No blood draws. No skin scrapes. Easy, simple and powerful and you do it yourself in the privacy of your own home right now. If you suspect you have a food sensitivity this is where to start your journey to feel better. Click here to learn all about it. |