Step 3 Bonus: Jeanine's New Clues Recap Report
Hay fever Recap:
Jeanine, you did a great job collecting X days of new clues during this challenge stage. You only had x [up to 3 for this text] severe and moderate Hay fever days, which is not bad at all, but still x [x= number of severe and moderate days] days too many.
Let's see if we can use what we've learned about your stress level in this challenge stage to get that number lower next time. Stress Level Results:
[Text for 0 severe and moderate days]. "It looks like your Hay fever was not triggered during this challenge stage. You didn't have any severe or moderate days... Which is awesome! we now have a record of what DOES NOT severely trigger your Hay fever! Keep tracking so when you do have severe Hay fever days we'll have the clues that triggered it!] ===================================== Block text 1: Version 1 You only had x [up to 3 for this text] severe and moderate Hay fever days during this challenge stage, which is still x [x= number of severe and moderate days] days too many. Version 2 [Interactive text: "You had x [for 4+ ] severe and moderate Hay fever days during this challenge stage, which is y % of the time. Let's see if we can get that much lower next time. Block text 2: Version 1 [Text for Severe and moderately connected] Although the data can't show your Hay fever severity is directly "caused" by your Stress does show they are Highly connected and therefore Stress is an important life factor for you. Interactive Text: Your Stress is also: [Highly, Slightly, Moderately} connected to Ailment2 [Highly, Slightly, Moderately} connected to Ailment3 [Highly, Slightly, Moderately} connected to Ailment4 [Highly, Slightly, Moderately} connected to Ailment5 Version 2 [Interactive text for Slightly connected... "Your data shows your Hay fever and Stress level are only Slightly connected. Stress level is always important, but because your Hay fever/stress connection is slight, this suggests Stress may not be the most important Life factor when it comes to your Hay fever. Review the other life factor connections and food triggers lists to find stronger connections that will help solve your Hay fever mystery. ] Action steps:
[Text For 0 moderate and severe days "You didn't have any moderate or severe days. Keep tracking so when you do have bad days and your Hay fever is more severe we'll have the clues that triggered it."] {Block text 1 version 1 For slight connection text: "Although for this challenge stage your data showed only a slight connection, it would still be wise to keep an eye on your Stress level. version 2 {For Highly and Moderately} This means it would be very wise for you to pay attention to your Stress levels. Block text 2 for Slight, Moderate and Severe: Knowing this combined with your Hay fever Trigger Foods gives you more control over you Hay fever and can totally transform the way you feel. A good nights sleep, light moderate activity, and plenty of water all work together to reduce stress... You'll discover even more about your Hay fever/Stress connection from the next keep tracking! |