Attention: Sufferers of chronic pain, mystery stomach problems, random headaches, joint pain, anxiety, fibromyalgia, depression, sleep issues, fatigue or one of over 150 other mystery ailments and symptoms no one can seem to solve...
How to discover and eliminate your specific food sensitivities, find your pain triggers and end your mystery ailments for good...without blood tests, skin scrapes, dangerous pills or surgery...
What everyone one ought to know about food sensitivities...
Have you (or someone you care about) suffered for weeks, months maybe even years with a mystery ailment or symptom no one has been able to solve?
Have you secretly felt guilt, embarrassment, shame or humiliation because of your pain and symptoms…feel your family, friends and even your doctors do not understand (or maybe don’t fully believe) what you're going through?
You've been to doctors, maybe even specialists...and they say they can't find anything wrong with you or that "it's in your head" or "it's anxiety" or "it's stress" but none of that seems to makes sense to you?
You've tried it all--prescriptions, over the counter pills, painkillers, therapy, supplements, home remedies, special diets... and failed.
But it's not your fault...
Food sensitivity is a problem for millions of people.
Science has proven food can be a medicine and it can be a poison.
One of the biggest problems is mainstream health-care doesn't seem to be interested in this part of science.
Most medical doctors have little or no training in food science. They don't get far beyond the basics...the medical doctor on average receive less than 8 hours of basic nutritional instruction during their whole time in medical school!
"The reality is that the average person knows more about nutrition than the doctors from whom they are seeking nutritional advice." - Dr. Peter Osborne, 2016, Best Selling Author and Functional Medicine Practitioner
If the idea of healing your discomfort, malady and pain from the inside out resonates with you...
And you suspect a food you're eating is causing or impacting one or more of the mystery ailments listed below......this just might be the most important special report you read all year...
Have you secretly felt guilt, embarrassment, shame or humiliation because of your pain and symptoms…feel your family, friends and even your doctors do not understand (or maybe don’t fully believe) what you're going through?
You've been to doctors, maybe even specialists...and they say they can't find anything wrong with you or that "it's in your head" or "it's anxiety" or "it's stress" but none of that seems to makes sense to you?
You've tried it all--prescriptions, over the counter pills, painkillers, therapy, supplements, home remedies, special diets... and failed.
But it's not your fault...
Food sensitivity is a problem for millions of people.
Science has proven food can be a medicine and it can be a poison.
One of the biggest problems is mainstream health-care doesn't seem to be interested in this part of science.
Most medical doctors have little or no training in food science. They don't get far beyond the basics...the medical doctor on average receive less than 8 hours of basic nutritional instruction during their whole time in medical school!
"The reality is that the average person knows more about nutrition than the doctors from whom they are seeking nutritional advice." - Dr. Peter Osborne, 2016, Best Selling Author and Functional Medicine Practitioner
If the idea of healing your discomfort, malady and pain from the inside out resonates with you...
And you suspect a food you're eating is causing or impacting one or more of the mystery ailments listed below......this just might be the most important special report you read all year...
We have a solution.
Kill The Trigger...Kill The Ailment Blueprint is a 3 step process that puts an end to your food triggers and stops your chronic pain and ailments for good.
It has been proven that simply eliminating as little as one food from your diet can totally transform your life.
Within days you can begin to feel better...
In fact, if you stop eating your food-triggers right now your mystery ailments would begin to vanish as if by magic!
Imagine what it would be like if your ailments were gone.
Imagine not having the pain.
Not having the discomfort.
Not having the uncertainty.
Not having the questions running through your head about how and when you're going to be sick next. Imagine not hurting the ones you love because you can't participate, or because you're grouchy or in a bad mood or because you're depressed and don't have the energy anymore.
Imagine how your friends and family would treat you and respond to you if you weren't suffering so much.
Imagine the opportunities you'd play with the kids on the floor again or to confidently go out in public without fear and anxiety.
Imagine being able to perform at your full potential.
Imagine what it would feel like to feel better and be yourself again.
As crazy and far fetched as this sounds to you right now...I'm going to pull back the curtain and show you everything.
Part I
Intro to Food Sensitivity: Why Your Specific Food Triggers Have Been So Hard To Find And The Easiest Ways To Uncover Them So You Can Feel Better Again...
Once you understand the "sneakiness" of food triggers and how they hide, they are no longer so sneaky...they can no longer hide from you so easily!
By the end of this section you'll know why when you eat certain foods your ailments flare like crazy while your friend eats the same food and nothing happens at all.
You'll know why and you know how to solve it.
Kill The Trigger...Kill The Ailment Blueprint is a 3 step process that puts an end to your food triggers and stops your chronic pain and ailments for good.
It has been proven that simply eliminating as little as one food from your diet can totally transform your life.
Within days you can begin to feel better...
In fact, if you stop eating your food-triggers right now your mystery ailments would begin to vanish as if by magic!
Imagine what it would be like if your ailments were gone.
Imagine not having the pain.
Not having the discomfort.
Not having the uncertainty.
Not having the questions running through your head about how and when you're going to be sick next. Imagine not hurting the ones you love because you can't participate, or because you're grouchy or in a bad mood or because you're depressed and don't have the energy anymore.
Imagine how your friends and family would treat you and respond to you if you weren't suffering so much.
Imagine the opportunities you'd play with the kids on the floor again or to confidently go out in public without fear and anxiety.
Imagine being able to perform at your full potential.
Imagine what it would feel like to feel better and be yourself again.
As crazy and far fetched as this sounds to you right now...I'm going to pull back the curtain and show you everything.
Part I
Intro to Food Sensitivity: Why Your Specific Food Triggers Have Been So Hard To Find And The Easiest Ways To Uncover Them So You Can Feel Better Again...
Once you understand the "sneakiness" of food triggers and how they hide, they are no longer so sneaky...they can no longer hide from you so easily!
By the end of this section you'll know why when you eat certain foods your ailments flare like crazy while your friend eats the same food and nothing happens at all.
You'll know why and you know how to solve it.
Hello my name it Ed Toups.
I'm not a doctor or medical professional. I'm just a regular guy who traditional medicine couldn't seem to help.
I may be a lot like you. I've suffered with a variety of ailments my entire life. Most were a mystery. I went to doctors and specialists over the years but none could offer answers that made me better.
Out of frustration, I did what you are doing now...I took it upon myself to find out what was "wrong" with me. This book contains the answers and solutions I learned to gain control over my health.
The journey was long but the solution surprisingly simple.
You can use these same steps and insights as a shortcut to transform your life too.
You're about to read probably the most disgruntled and frustrated yet eye opening and uplifting letter I've ever publicly written.
And I'll tell you why.
I've been hunting down food sensitivities for over twenty years...
I've gotten pretty good at it.
Regardless of your specific mystery ailments, my story and struggle may sound familiar to you...
Here it is.
This is important so pay attention.
Something changed in my body when I reached my mid twenties.
It was a total mystery to me.
My skin began to develop painful red welts deep under the skin of my neck and jaw.
I had no clue what was going on.
At first it was only embarrassing but as time went on I began to get concerned.
Was there something seriously wrong with me?
I hoped it would go away...but it didn't.
It got worse.
I was just out of collage and didn't have a lot of money, but I became so self-conscious and worried that I sought doctors for help.
But none could.
The doctors "didn't know" so they sent me to dermatologists who each pretty much said nothing could be done other than steroid creams, chemical shampoos and antibiotics.
It felt like pouring money down the drain.
In time, my "condition" worsened even more.
They even sent me to a surgeon to cut on me.
None of it solved the problem.
In many ways I felt like a monster people didn't want to see or touch.
Still without answers...I became determined to figure out what was going with my body.
I just wanted to feel better and for this to go away.
I had a gut-suspicion my ailment had something to do with a food I was eating...maybe some sort of an allergy.
I quietly kept a food journal and tracked my ailment severity each day.
Many friends and family didn't understand and thought this idea was waste of time...Foods do not cause "that" they'd say.
Maybe they were right?
It was slow going.
Very slow...
I tracked for about a year and a half.
I didn't see anything "strange".
I was just eating regular everyday food...nothing odd or what you'd think was an "allergy food".
Yet, sometimes my ailment would be manageable and other times totally out of control??
What could it be?
I didn't see any rhyme or reason to pattern in the notes.
Then I saw something...
A pattern FINALLY jumped out...
But it made absolutely no sense to me at the time...
Was it possible an "everyday" common food, I've eaten my entire life, could be the cause of my problems?
Could my skin flares be linked with....?
I was totally blown away.
(Remember this was 10 or 15 years BEFORE the gluten hysteria we have today.)
I was like, "Is it even possible for wheat to be bad???"
I still remember circling all the pasta, pizza, breads and cookies I ate in red ink and the pattern unfolding more and more page after page!
Could THAT be it?
Even to question a seemingly innocent common everyday food like wheat felt so strange...
I imagine it was like someone from 2,500 years ago having the realization the earth might actually be round as they watched a ship dip below the horizon.
The earth was flat yesterday but now it's a round giant ball?
It was that mind-bending bizarre for me...
Wheat is bad? Wow.
But there it was, the proof was scribbled over page after page of my food journal.
Soon my disbelief turned in to excitement!
I needed to share my DISCOVERY.
I excitedly went to my doctor friend. She knew me. She knew I wasn't naive . She knew I was meticulous and didn't jump to conclusions.
Plus I had PROOF...a whole year and a half worth of it written in my journal!
Proof that when I ate wheat my ailment flared and when I didn't eat wheat my ailment subsided.
[This is much "bigger" than about just about wheat by the way...more on this in a minute]
I thought as strange and crazy as my discovery sounded, she'd be open to what I uncovered.
She'd look at the months of data and see the patterns just as I did and conclude the same could she not?
And if she didn't see what I saw, she'd have a intelligent explanation...She's a doctor after all!
You know what happened next.
They probably heard my bubble pop all the way in China.
I didn't get praise. I didn't get support. I didn't even get curiosity.
I got total dismissal and a condescending smile..."No, eating wheat does not cause your skin to do that."
Oh, Man did that sting.
It stung on two levels...
First, my friend I respected as a doctor didn't see what I saw in the data. She didn't even really bother to look.
Second, perhaps I was wrong about wheat being the trigger and I didn't have the solution after all.
I began to doubt my discovery.
But I couldn't let it go...
I had PROOF damn it!
What I didn't know at the time, was science had the proof too.
I learned much later, researchers had "accidentally" discovered an allergy problem with wheat 50 years earlier.
Let me explain how this accident happened...
Turns out, World War II was the perfect stage for the discovery.
During the war, wheat, barley and rye were in extremely low supply. They were rationed throughout Europe. People couldn't get people couldn't eat it.
Here's the story.
Before the war, there was a Dutch doctor name Dr. Willem Dicke, caring for kids with celiac disease. At the time celiac was an incurable painful digestive disorder.
These children were so bad off they were hospitalized under Dr. Dicke's care.
The war changed everything.
Rationing could no longer get wheat, barley or rye...everyone, including the children with celiac, were forced to eat something else.
The doctor observed a miraculous transformation in the children. The change in their diets away from grains eliminated or alleviated their painful symptoms.
Remember, celiac was at the time (and still is in some circles) viewed as an INCURABLE disease.
A ciliac diagnosis was a was a death sentence. And a painful miserable death at that.
But Dr. Dicke's accidental discovery changed all that.
By simply eliminating grains he essentially "cured" ciliac!
Can you imagine the doctor's reaction to such a simple solution for such a powerful disease? It was probably much like my own reaction!
This accidental discovery, was the first conclusive PROOF wheat and other grains were a trigger for celiac.
You'd expect this news to spread like wildfire through the medical and scientific communities, right?
It took nearly 50 years for the news to make it to the mainstream.
In 2012, it was estimated that about 20% to 30% of the U.S. population is sensitive to gluten, a major component of grains.
Sadly, despite the wave of PROOF coming from some corners of science about the link between the food we eat and it's impact on our bodies, not much has changed with traditional doctors in the last 50 years.
Today, many doctors STILL think "gluten intolerance" is bogus despite the fact MILLIONS of people alleviate a host symptoms simply by avoiding wheat and gluten!
Many doctors still think linking food with ailments is CRAZY-talk despite the proof right in front of their eyes!
You'd think after all this time, traditional medicine would have caught up to Food Science Research.
Unfortunately, if anything it's gotten worse with insurance and pharmaceutical companies essentially running "health care".
It's really up to us...
The system just doesn't give doctors the time they need with their patients to solve the puzzle.
Sadly, that's probably one of the main reasons why you're still suffering and here now.
After my personal discovery of wheat as a source of my skin problems, I began to run little experiments on myself.
I ate less wheat and my ailment subsided...when I ate more wheat my skin would flare.
That's all I needed. I was convinced.
I had control over my skin again!
But this is what's weird...
Even after all that PROOF and clear skin RESULTS...friends and family still doubted wheat was the culprit.
I didn't let that sway me...I KNEW wheat was a food-poison for me and was a trigger for my skin flares.
I was certain.
After all, I could control it at will.
I went on a quest to understand food sensitivity and it's impact on the body.
Eventually some of my family and friends came around to what I was doing...
We discovered red food coloring hidden in processed foods caused my nephew to abruptly turn into a mini raging HULK! No red dye--no crazy mood swings!
We discovered eggs were a major contributor to my mom's painful wine, combined with her period, contributed to a friend's sneezing attacks...
We've discovered all sorts of weird food-ailment combinations.
We discovered many common everyday foods are triggers for a whole slew of different ailments.
Since then I've continued to perfect and refine the method to finding food triggers and food-poisons.
I even created tools to do it!
I'm going to share with you all the secrets I've discovered along the way..
I'm the curator of the 3-Minute Food Sensitivity Home Test I recently sent you and creator of the Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Blueprint you're reading now...
I'm also the founder and CEO of a company dedicated to helping people like you find their triggers so they can feel better an live pain free.
The Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Method is a simple 3 step method that will:
We're going to help you to feel better.
The Kill Trigger...Kill the Ailment Blueprint is rooted in over 50 years of research conducted by research doctors, Functional Medical Doctors and Certified Nutritional Specialists and is grounded in facts, proof and the science of real world RESULTS.
Right now you may be feeling a little skeptical.
After all, if you're like most who reach this site you've been to multiple doctors. Maybe even a specialist or two.
Which is GREAT by the way! You've been assured there is nothing immediately "seriously" wrong with you!
Maybe you've tried prescriptions, ointments, supplements. You've probably searched the Internet for answers. You've probably tried a handful of natural remedies. You may have even tried a few special diets.
Sometimes they worked for a while...sometimes the side effects were worse than the symptom itself.
I get it.
I've been there.
You've been disappointed.
I know you're frustrated. I know you're confused. I know a part of you may feels things are helpless.
Yet here you are...still searching for answers. Which is great!
I want to assure you, you are in the right place.
There are answers to your mystery ailments and they just might be simpler than you think...
In the next 20 minutes or so I'm going to teach you a three step-by-step strategy for dramatically decreasing your pain and symptom...without taking harmful drugs or undergoing dangerous surgical procedures.
It doesn't matter if you have chronic pain, digestive problems, anxiety, depression or fatigue...there is common thread and I'm going to show you what that is.
By the time you finish'll know it all.
I'm going to suggest you look at your ailment from a totally new perspective.
Instead of focusing on a "cure" for your pain....I'm going to suggest we look for the possible "cause", source or more accurately, the TRIGGER that's impacting your ailments and pain.
Here's the thing...
Your body's NATURAL state is HEALTH and HARMONY...
Barring physical maladies, we're born this way.
It's nature.
Health and harmony is our NATURAL state. It's just the way it is.
But somewhere along the line we've gotten off track.
Basically, what we're doing is we're screwing everything up by unknowingly eating foods we're allergic to.
In other words...
You're accidentally poisoning yourself.
What do you mean?
It's pretty simple really.
When you eat foods you're allergic too your natural health declines and your ailments get worse.
When you REMOVE your specific food poisons your body moves back to it's natural balanced state...
You feel better and your ailments appear to melt away as if by magic!
But it's not's simple biology and science.
Want proof?
That's easy!
Simply stop eating.
That's right, stop eating all foods and watch what happens to your ailments.
Here's what you'll see...
Your symptom's intensity drop dramatically or they disappear completely!
By not eating, you stop poisoning your body.
But there's one MAJOR side effect of not eating...
You die.
So I'm not recommending that!
But maybe your doctor or nutritionist has!?! :)
Let me explain...
If your doctor has ever recommended you do a long fast, you probably reached the "I feel great!"stage.
That feeling was your body in it's Natural non-poisoned removed your body's specific ailment trigger.
You removed the food-poison from your system!
But that great feeling vanished as you unknowingly begin to eat your allergy-food again.
Here's the key to's wasn't all the food causing you trouble...
It was ONLY the food you're sensitive to.
The important thing to recognize here is that it wasn't ALL food causing you was just your specific food trigger.
I don't know about you, but I like food!
Actually I LOVE food!
I don't want to give that's one of my favorite things!
Plus, my body needs food to live so obviously not eating is not an option.
The problem is, you don't know which foods are good and which are bad...
So what do you do?
How do you eat food AND not poison yourself?
How do you know which foods are good for you and which are poison for you?
That's a great question!
Here's how...
You know there is a lot of "woo woo" stuff out there in the health world but this is NOT that.
I like measurable and actionable...I like Facts and I like PROOF!
You probable do too.
Here's the thing...many times your ailment is your body's reaction to being "SLOWLY POISONED".
In a strange way you can look at your ailment as a "good thing"...
It's your body's alarm system announcing something is not right.
Here's what I mean.
Have you seen the TV show Breaking Bad?
This is not a show for the faint at heart...
It's important, so I'm going to share the story with you today.
There's a scene in Breaking Bad that captures what's happening to your body. It makes this whole Food Sensitivity thing easier to understand.
The show's main character is Walter White, a balding middle aged man who happens to be a brilliant chemist.
After a string of bad luck life circumstances he's "forced" to becomes an illegal drug maker of the street drug Meth.
He becomes a very "bad dude"...he definitely "Breaks Bad".
Occasionally, being in a highly violent occupation like illegal drug manufacturing, he needs to eliminate enemies.
It's a major occupational hazard and goes with the territory.
But Mr. White isn't your every-day gun toting street thug able to shoot people...
He's a former high school science teacher and family man.
So what's a super genius chemist to do when someone gets in his way?
He concocts a deadly poison out of the beans of the caster oil plant of course!
But this is not just any clumsy ole poison.
This is the part that's important for you...
This poison is smart and's SLOW acting too.
It does not kill you directly (or at least it does not APPEAR to kill you directly), but rather it causes "ailments" in your body.
When the person unknowingly eats the poison, they don't feel anything "strange" at all.
Well, not at first anyway...
Over the course of days, they get sicker and sicker and eventually they die.
It's horrible. :(
No one suspects poison...not the victim, not the family and not even the simply looks like a "natural" mysterious illness that led to death.
The poison and the ailments were separated by time.
As scary as this sounds, this is similar to what's happening with your body when you eat food that you're allergic to!
Of course you're not being poisoned by the Super-Genius-Gone-Bad Walter White...
YOU'RE actually poisoning YOURSELF with a food you have no idea is poison for you!
You're unintentionally eating a food that you're allergic to and your body is reacting angrily to it.
Here's the over-simplified overview of Food Sensitivity...
You eat the poison-food.
There is a delay.
Your ailments is triggered.
And in time it intensifies...potentially causing permanent damage to parts of your body.
No one suspects the innocent looking food you eat as the problem.
Very similar to Mr. White's poison.
You don't have an ailment problem you have a TRIGGER problem!
The poison is the trigger...
You can think of it like this...
Your body is like a car.
Like a car, your body needs fuel to run.
Your body uses food while the car uses gasoline.
There are different types of foods...meats, veggies, fruits, grains etc.
Just like there are different types of gasoline...Regular, Supreme and Super Supreme you see at the gas pump.
Your car can run on any of these gasoline types. Just like your body can run on any type of food.
BUT here's what's important...
When you add the wrong type of fuel to your body or your car, you get big problems.
Here's what I'm talking about.
In the old days, if you put "Regular" gas in a car that required "Super Supreme" gas, the car would literally SCREAM there was a problem!
The engine would make loud, scary knocking noises.
It would "run rough".
Black smoke would shoot out of exhaust pipes.
The car would drive "sluggish" and not accelerate very well. And the gas mileage would drop drastically.
All of this from simply adding the wrong gas to the car.
This is important to understand...
There was nothing "wrong" with the car...the car was not broken...the knocks, black exhaust and sluggishness were simply SYMPTOMS to the wrong gas.
The symptoms were TRIGGERED by the wrong gas.
But here's the thing....
If you ignored the symptoms and continued to put in the wrong gas...over time or under stress, the wrong gas would cause the car to break down and eventually leave you stranded on the side of the road.
There's a simple solution.
When you stop using the wrong gas, (before permanent damage sets in), the symptoms go away like magic.
Make sense?
Let's expand the analogy even further... what if we include 18 wheelers. Race cars. Electric cars. Planes. Trains. Jets. Rockets etc...
Each are transportation "cars" that need FUEL to run BUT each has a SPECIFIC FUEL it needs. Other fuels are like poison to them.
What if you filled a jet with gasoline?
Would you take your family aboard that Jet?
Heck no!
Jets need jet-fuel to fly.
Just like 18-wheelers need diesel and electric car needs electricity...
Add anything else and very bad things will happen.
A GOOD fuel for one is a BAD fuel for the other...just like a BAD food for your friend is perfectly FINE for you!
Do you see how this relates to your body?
A food that's good for you can be poison to someone else. A food that is good for someone else may be poison for you.
All of this to say...
You need Food to live...BUT a specific food may be a secret ailment trigger for you.
Our bodies "run rough", show ailments and eventually breakdown when we eat foods we're sensitive to.
None of this is your fault by the way.
It's hard to know which foods are good and which are bad...trigger foods are sneaky and stealthy.
They hide in plain sight
We're going to talk about all this in just a second so you avoid all the pitfalls and take the shortcuts.
With a car it's easy to select the right gas and avoid the wrong one...your car comes with an owner's manual that says exactly which fuel to use...
Plus, you only have three to pick from at the gas pump.
But what if the pumps weren't labeled and your car didn't come with an owner's manual?
How would you know which gas to use? You'd just have to guess, right?
The modern American's diet has hundreds if not thousands of foods.
And your body did not come with an owner's manual that says which foods are good for you and which are poison.
How do you know which foods are good for you and which are poison food triggers?
I'm going to show you how in just a moment, first we need to address the elephant in the room...
If you read this far, you obviously believe in Food Sensitivity and the impact (good and bad) food has on the body.
You believe food can be a MEDICINE.
And you believe food can be a POISON.
Would you believe there are people who are actually against the idea of food sensitivity?
They think the idea is somehow silly and ridiculous.
There's entire groups that are about how bad it is and how it's ruining everything which is funny because finding your Food Sensitivity isn't a "treatment at all" but rather a FACT hunting mission to solve your mystery!
These people want, maybe have a need, to believe everything their doctors and "modern medicine" says.
Even when their doctors admit they don't know what's happening with them!
It blows my mind.
It's as if they'd rather feel "right" than feeling better and happy. :(
They're weirdly afraid of the possibility that what they've been told and what they've "bought into" about their ailments may be wrong...
That there IS a solution...
There is help...
There is something they can do...
I get it, I've been there...they don't want to be disappointed again.
On some strange level, they want to believe that they are "broken".
That there's no hope to get better.
That they just have to "live" with this pain and discomfort. They have to take pills forever...
Even if they discover an alternative (like the one I'm about to show you) that could help them to feel better!?!
It's totally bizarre.
It appears as if their identity is so wrapped around their's become their crutch. Their excuse. Their abusive friend.
It's almost like they have Stockholm Syndrome toward their ailments...they've grown to sympathize with their terrorist captors who are hurting them.
The idea that THEY have control and that a food may be poisoning them somehow becomes a threat to their reality?
It's really sad.
We'll get into this strange psychology in a second...chances are there is a little bit of this lurking inside of you holding you back from you getting what you want.
Before we get too far let me tell you who this isn't for.
It should be obvious to you by now, but if you're looking for a magic pill or ointment, this is not for you.
The concepts are 5th grade level simple.
The system is easy and the rewards are great BUT it does take more effort than popping a pill.
I know people who pop pills like they're candy yet they continue feel miserable, have anxiety, can't sleep and are in pain. Plus they KNOW they're having side-effects too.
That's nuts isn't it?
Despite it all they continue to "believe" in the pills and refuse to try anything else.
Or they simply want to ignore what's happening to their body.
In fact I'm against the whole insurance driven medical industry...the whole 5 minute doctor visit and a prescription pad (or worse a scalpel) that medicine?
If so "they" can have!
Granted, there is a time and place for pills and surgery. I'm very thankful they exist. I would not be here, alive, without them.
But let's try to head things off BEFORE it comes to that.
I think the whole quick fix mentality is the single biggest contributor to all our ills out there...everyone seems to be "on something" yet they don't seem to be getting any better do they?
In fact all indications are we're getting worse!
Study after study shows our life expectancy in the Unites States is going DOWN not up!
Can you believe that?
We're dying younger and younger.
The richest country the world has ever seen, who spends more on health than any other getting sicker?!
For the first time in generations we're going to live fewer years than our parents. And many of those years will be in pain and misery.
Fewer years alive and more of our final years miserable and sick.
I do not like the sound of that.
I'm on a mission to help those who do not want this for themselves.
You've probably heard the slew of pharmaceutical commercials dominating TV lately.
How can you not, right?
We're bombarded by them.
There's a "magic pill" for everything from Erectile Dysfunction, to Restless Leg Syndrome, to Fibromyalgia to Psoriasis and Eczema to Acid Reflux and Heartburn to Anxiety and Depression.
They sound WONDERFUL and GREAT until the end when they casually list off the side effects like skin rashes, liver failure, heart attacks, strokes, suicidal thoughts...DEATH!
There are much better ways to go...that's what I'm here to share with you.
Use pills, if you must, to get you through the worst of it but let me show you a better long term solution.
I'm going to show you how in this blueprint today.
This is what I'm for...
I'm all for the individual empowering themselves and taking control of their health.
I'm for putting the right things into the body and eliminating the negative.
I'm for getting the poison out and letting the body heal itself!
I'm for taking initiative and solving a problem especially when it comes to our own bodies...we only get one and we only have so much time on the planet and only so much time to spend with the people we care about, so let's make the best of it.
This moment in time only last so long...and then it's gone forever.
Kids grow up. We grow older. Time passes.
There is no getting it back--you know this.
I'm not a doctor or medical professional. I'm just a regular guy who traditional medicine couldn't seem to help.
I may be a lot like you. I've suffered with a variety of ailments my entire life. Most were a mystery. I went to doctors and specialists over the years but none could offer answers that made me better.
Out of frustration, I did what you are doing now...I took it upon myself to find out what was "wrong" with me. This book contains the answers and solutions I learned to gain control over my health.
The journey was long but the solution surprisingly simple.
You can use these same steps and insights as a shortcut to transform your life too.
You're about to read probably the most disgruntled and frustrated yet eye opening and uplifting letter I've ever publicly written.
And I'll tell you why.
I've been hunting down food sensitivities for over twenty years...
I've gotten pretty good at it.
Regardless of your specific mystery ailments, my story and struggle may sound familiar to you...
Here it is.
This is important so pay attention.
Something changed in my body when I reached my mid twenties.
It was a total mystery to me.
My skin began to develop painful red welts deep under the skin of my neck and jaw.
I had no clue what was going on.
At first it was only embarrassing but as time went on I began to get concerned.
Was there something seriously wrong with me?
I hoped it would go away...but it didn't.
It got worse.
I was just out of collage and didn't have a lot of money, but I became so self-conscious and worried that I sought doctors for help.
But none could.
The doctors "didn't know" so they sent me to dermatologists who each pretty much said nothing could be done other than steroid creams, chemical shampoos and antibiotics.
It felt like pouring money down the drain.
In time, my "condition" worsened even more.
They even sent me to a surgeon to cut on me.
None of it solved the problem.
In many ways I felt like a monster people didn't want to see or touch.
Still without answers...I became determined to figure out what was going with my body.
I just wanted to feel better and for this to go away.
I had a gut-suspicion my ailment had something to do with a food I was eating...maybe some sort of an allergy.
I quietly kept a food journal and tracked my ailment severity each day.
Many friends and family didn't understand and thought this idea was waste of time...Foods do not cause "that" they'd say.
Maybe they were right?
It was slow going.
Very slow...
I tracked for about a year and a half.
I didn't see anything "strange".
I was just eating regular everyday food...nothing odd or what you'd think was an "allergy food".
Yet, sometimes my ailment would be manageable and other times totally out of control??
What could it be?
I didn't see any rhyme or reason to pattern in the notes.
Then I saw something...
A pattern FINALLY jumped out...
But it made absolutely no sense to me at the time...
Was it possible an "everyday" common food, I've eaten my entire life, could be the cause of my problems?
Could my skin flares be linked with....?
I was totally blown away.
(Remember this was 10 or 15 years BEFORE the gluten hysteria we have today.)
I was like, "Is it even possible for wheat to be bad???"
I still remember circling all the pasta, pizza, breads and cookies I ate in red ink and the pattern unfolding more and more page after page!
Could THAT be it?
Even to question a seemingly innocent common everyday food like wheat felt so strange...
I imagine it was like someone from 2,500 years ago having the realization the earth might actually be round as they watched a ship dip below the horizon.
The earth was flat yesterday but now it's a round giant ball?
It was that mind-bending bizarre for me...
Wheat is bad? Wow.
But there it was, the proof was scribbled over page after page of my food journal.
Soon my disbelief turned in to excitement!
I needed to share my DISCOVERY.
I excitedly went to my doctor friend. She knew me. She knew I wasn't naive . She knew I was meticulous and didn't jump to conclusions.
Plus I had PROOF...a whole year and a half worth of it written in my journal!
Proof that when I ate wheat my ailment flared and when I didn't eat wheat my ailment subsided.
[This is much "bigger" than about just about wheat by the way...more on this in a minute]
I thought as strange and crazy as my discovery sounded, she'd be open to what I uncovered.
She'd look at the months of data and see the patterns just as I did and conclude the same could she not?
And if she didn't see what I saw, she'd have a intelligent explanation...She's a doctor after all!
You know what happened next.
They probably heard my bubble pop all the way in China.
I didn't get praise. I didn't get support. I didn't even get curiosity.
I got total dismissal and a condescending smile..."No, eating wheat does not cause your skin to do that."
Oh, Man did that sting.
It stung on two levels...
First, my friend I respected as a doctor didn't see what I saw in the data. She didn't even really bother to look.
Second, perhaps I was wrong about wheat being the trigger and I didn't have the solution after all.
I began to doubt my discovery.
But I couldn't let it go...
I had PROOF damn it!
What I didn't know at the time, was science had the proof too.
I learned much later, researchers had "accidentally" discovered an allergy problem with wheat 50 years earlier.
Let me explain how this accident happened...
Turns out, World War II was the perfect stage for the discovery.
During the war, wheat, barley and rye were in extremely low supply. They were rationed throughout Europe. People couldn't get people couldn't eat it.
Here's the story.
Before the war, there was a Dutch doctor name Dr. Willem Dicke, caring for kids with celiac disease. At the time celiac was an incurable painful digestive disorder.
These children were so bad off they were hospitalized under Dr. Dicke's care.
The war changed everything.
Rationing could no longer get wheat, barley or rye...everyone, including the children with celiac, were forced to eat something else.
The doctor observed a miraculous transformation in the children. The change in their diets away from grains eliminated or alleviated their painful symptoms.
Remember, celiac was at the time (and still is in some circles) viewed as an INCURABLE disease.
A ciliac diagnosis was a was a death sentence. And a painful miserable death at that.
But Dr. Dicke's accidental discovery changed all that.
By simply eliminating grains he essentially "cured" ciliac!
Can you imagine the doctor's reaction to such a simple solution for such a powerful disease? It was probably much like my own reaction!
This accidental discovery, was the first conclusive PROOF wheat and other grains were a trigger for celiac.
You'd expect this news to spread like wildfire through the medical and scientific communities, right?
It took nearly 50 years for the news to make it to the mainstream.
In 2012, it was estimated that about 20% to 30% of the U.S. population is sensitive to gluten, a major component of grains.
Sadly, despite the wave of PROOF coming from some corners of science about the link between the food we eat and it's impact on our bodies, not much has changed with traditional doctors in the last 50 years.
Today, many doctors STILL think "gluten intolerance" is bogus despite the fact MILLIONS of people alleviate a host symptoms simply by avoiding wheat and gluten!
Many doctors still think linking food with ailments is CRAZY-talk despite the proof right in front of their eyes!
You'd think after all this time, traditional medicine would have caught up to Food Science Research.
Unfortunately, if anything it's gotten worse with insurance and pharmaceutical companies essentially running "health care".
It's really up to us...
The system just doesn't give doctors the time they need with their patients to solve the puzzle.
Sadly, that's probably one of the main reasons why you're still suffering and here now.
After my personal discovery of wheat as a source of my skin problems, I began to run little experiments on myself.
I ate less wheat and my ailment subsided...when I ate more wheat my skin would flare.
That's all I needed. I was convinced.
I had control over my skin again!
But this is what's weird...
Even after all that PROOF and clear skin RESULTS...friends and family still doubted wheat was the culprit.
I didn't let that sway me...I KNEW wheat was a food-poison for me and was a trigger for my skin flares.
I was certain.
After all, I could control it at will.
I went on a quest to understand food sensitivity and it's impact on the body.
Eventually some of my family and friends came around to what I was doing...
We discovered red food coloring hidden in processed foods caused my nephew to abruptly turn into a mini raging HULK! No red dye--no crazy mood swings!
We discovered eggs were a major contributor to my mom's painful wine, combined with her period, contributed to a friend's sneezing attacks...
We've discovered all sorts of weird food-ailment combinations.
We discovered many common everyday foods are triggers for a whole slew of different ailments.
Since then I've continued to perfect and refine the method to finding food triggers and food-poisons.
I even created tools to do it!
I'm going to share with you all the secrets I've discovered along the way..
I'm the curator of the 3-Minute Food Sensitivity Home Test I recently sent you and creator of the Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Blueprint you're reading now...
I'm also the founder and CEO of a company dedicated to helping people like you find their triggers so they can feel better an live pain free.
The Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Method is a simple 3 step method that will:
- Give you the confidence to know what's going on with your body. You'll discover three quick and simple home tests to determine if you are sensitive to a food or something else entirely. This way you'll know what you're dealing more uncertainty.
- Give you the blueprint to find YOUR body's food triggers. Everyone's body is different and unique and you'll know what the triggers are for you. And what foods are good and safe for you.
- Support you every step of the way. You'll be supported by a community of people who are going through or who have gone through what you're going through now. We understand. We've been there.
We're going to help you to feel better.
The Kill Trigger...Kill the Ailment Blueprint is rooted in over 50 years of research conducted by research doctors, Functional Medical Doctors and Certified Nutritional Specialists and is grounded in facts, proof and the science of real world RESULTS.
Right now you may be feeling a little skeptical.
After all, if you're like most who reach this site you've been to multiple doctors. Maybe even a specialist or two.
Which is GREAT by the way! You've been assured there is nothing immediately "seriously" wrong with you!
Maybe you've tried prescriptions, ointments, supplements. You've probably searched the Internet for answers. You've probably tried a handful of natural remedies. You may have even tried a few special diets.
Sometimes they worked for a while...sometimes the side effects were worse than the symptom itself.
I get it.
I've been there.
You've been disappointed.
I know you're frustrated. I know you're confused. I know a part of you may feels things are helpless.
Yet here you are...still searching for answers. Which is great!
I want to assure you, you are in the right place.
There are answers to your mystery ailments and they just might be simpler than you think...
In the next 20 minutes or so I'm going to teach you a three step-by-step strategy for dramatically decreasing your pain and symptom...without taking harmful drugs or undergoing dangerous surgical procedures.
It doesn't matter if you have chronic pain, digestive problems, anxiety, depression or fatigue...there is common thread and I'm going to show you what that is.
By the time you finish'll know it all.
I'm going to suggest you look at your ailment from a totally new perspective.
Instead of focusing on a "cure" for your pain....I'm going to suggest we look for the possible "cause", source or more accurately, the TRIGGER that's impacting your ailments and pain.
Here's the thing...
Your body's NATURAL state is HEALTH and HARMONY...
Barring physical maladies, we're born this way.
It's nature.
Health and harmony is our NATURAL state. It's just the way it is.
But somewhere along the line we've gotten off track.
Basically, what we're doing is we're screwing everything up by unknowingly eating foods we're allergic to.
In other words...
You're accidentally poisoning yourself.
What do you mean?
It's pretty simple really.
When you eat foods you're allergic too your natural health declines and your ailments get worse.
When you REMOVE your specific food poisons your body moves back to it's natural balanced state...
You feel better and your ailments appear to melt away as if by magic!
But it's not's simple biology and science.
Want proof?
That's easy!
Simply stop eating.
That's right, stop eating all foods and watch what happens to your ailments.
Here's what you'll see...
Your symptom's intensity drop dramatically or they disappear completely!
By not eating, you stop poisoning your body.
But there's one MAJOR side effect of not eating...
You die.
So I'm not recommending that!
But maybe your doctor or nutritionist has!?! :)
Let me explain...
If your doctor has ever recommended you do a long fast, you probably reached the "I feel great!"stage.
That feeling was your body in it's Natural non-poisoned removed your body's specific ailment trigger.
You removed the food-poison from your system!
But that great feeling vanished as you unknowingly begin to eat your allergy-food again.
Here's the key to's wasn't all the food causing you trouble...
It was ONLY the food you're sensitive to.
The important thing to recognize here is that it wasn't ALL food causing you was just your specific food trigger.
I don't know about you, but I like food!
Actually I LOVE food!
I don't want to give that's one of my favorite things!
Plus, my body needs food to live so obviously not eating is not an option.
The problem is, you don't know which foods are good and which are bad...
So what do you do?
How do you eat food AND not poison yourself?
How do you know which foods are good for you and which are poison for you?
That's a great question!
Here's how...
You know there is a lot of "woo woo" stuff out there in the health world but this is NOT that.
I like measurable and actionable...I like Facts and I like PROOF!
You probable do too.
Here's the thing...many times your ailment is your body's reaction to being "SLOWLY POISONED".
In a strange way you can look at your ailment as a "good thing"...
It's your body's alarm system announcing something is not right.
Here's what I mean.
Have you seen the TV show Breaking Bad?
This is not a show for the faint at heart...
It's important, so I'm going to share the story with you today.
There's a scene in Breaking Bad that captures what's happening to your body. It makes this whole Food Sensitivity thing easier to understand.
The show's main character is Walter White, a balding middle aged man who happens to be a brilliant chemist.
After a string of bad luck life circumstances he's "forced" to becomes an illegal drug maker of the street drug Meth.
He becomes a very "bad dude"...he definitely "Breaks Bad".
Occasionally, being in a highly violent occupation like illegal drug manufacturing, he needs to eliminate enemies.
It's a major occupational hazard and goes with the territory.
But Mr. White isn't your every-day gun toting street thug able to shoot people...
He's a former high school science teacher and family man.
So what's a super genius chemist to do when someone gets in his way?
He concocts a deadly poison out of the beans of the caster oil plant of course!
But this is not just any clumsy ole poison.
This is the part that's important for you...
This poison is smart and's SLOW acting too.
It does not kill you directly (or at least it does not APPEAR to kill you directly), but rather it causes "ailments" in your body.
When the person unknowingly eats the poison, they don't feel anything "strange" at all.
Well, not at first anyway...
Over the course of days, they get sicker and sicker and eventually they die.
It's horrible. :(
No one suspects poison...not the victim, not the family and not even the simply looks like a "natural" mysterious illness that led to death.
The poison and the ailments were separated by time.
As scary as this sounds, this is similar to what's happening with your body when you eat food that you're allergic to!
Of course you're not being poisoned by the Super-Genius-Gone-Bad Walter White...
YOU'RE actually poisoning YOURSELF with a food you have no idea is poison for you!
You're unintentionally eating a food that you're allergic to and your body is reacting angrily to it.
Here's the over-simplified overview of Food Sensitivity...
You eat the poison-food.
There is a delay.
Your ailments is triggered.
And in time it intensifies...potentially causing permanent damage to parts of your body.
No one suspects the innocent looking food you eat as the problem.
Very similar to Mr. White's poison.
You don't have an ailment problem you have a TRIGGER problem!
The poison is the trigger...
You can think of it like this...
Your body is like a car.
Like a car, your body needs fuel to run.
Your body uses food while the car uses gasoline.
There are different types of foods...meats, veggies, fruits, grains etc.
Just like there are different types of gasoline...Regular, Supreme and Super Supreme you see at the gas pump.
Your car can run on any of these gasoline types. Just like your body can run on any type of food.
BUT here's what's important...
When you add the wrong type of fuel to your body or your car, you get big problems.
Here's what I'm talking about.
In the old days, if you put "Regular" gas in a car that required "Super Supreme" gas, the car would literally SCREAM there was a problem!
The engine would make loud, scary knocking noises.
It would "run rough".
Black smoke would shoot out of exhaust pipes.
The car would drive "sluggish" and not accelerate very well. And the gas mileage would drop drastically.
All of this from simply adding the wrong gas to the car.
This is important to understand...
There was nothing "wrong" with the car...the car was not broken...the knocks, black exhaust and sluggishness were simply SYMPTOMS to the wrong gas.
The symptoms were TRIGGERED by the wrong gas.
But here's the thing....
If you ignored the symptoms and continued to put in the wrong gas...over time or under stress, the wrong gas would cause the car to break down and eventually leave you stranded on the side of the road.
There's a simple solution.
When you stop using the wrong gas, (before permanent damage sets in), the symptoms go away like magic.
Make sense?
Let's expand the analogy even further... what if we include 18 wheelers. Race cars. Electric cars. Planes. Trains. Jets. Rockets etc...
Each are transportation "cars" that need FUEL to run BUT each has a SPECIFIC FUEL it needs. Other fuels are like poison to them.
What if you filled a jet with gasoline?
Would you take your family aboard that Jet?
Heck no!
Jets need jet-fuel to fly.
Just like 18-wheelers need diesel and electric car needs electricity...
Add anything else and very bad things will happen.
A GOOD fuel for one is a BAD fuel for the other...just like a BAD food for your friend is perfectly FINE for you!
Do you see how this relates to your body?
A food that's good for you can be poison to someone else. A food that is good for someone else may be poison for you.
All of this to say...
You need Food to live...BUT a specific food may be a secret ailment trigger for you.
Our bodies "run rough", show ailments and eventually breakdown when we eat foods we're sensitive to.
None of this is your fault by the way.
It's hard to know which foods are good and which are bad...trigger foods are sneaky and stealthy.
They hide in plain sight
We're going to talk about all this in just a second so you avoid all the pitfalls and take the shortcuts.
With a car it's easy to select the right gas and avoid the wrong one...your car comes with an owner's manual that says exactly which fuel to use...
Plus, you only have three to pick from at the gas pump.
But what if the pumps weren't labeled and your car didn't come with an owner's manual?
How would you know which gas to use? You'd just have to guess, right?
The modern American's diet has hundreds if not thousands of foods.
And your body did not come with an owner's manual that says which foods are good for you and which are poison.
How do you know which foods are good for you and which are poison food triggers?
I'm going to show you how in just a moment, first we need to address the elephant in the room...
If you read this far, you obviously believe in Food Sensitivity and the impact (good and bad) food has on the body.
You believe food can be a MEDICINE.
And you believe food can be a POISON.
Would you believe there are people who are actually against the idea of food sensitivity?
They think the idea is somehow silly and ridiculous.
There's entire groups that are about how bad it is and how it's ruining everything which is funny because finding your Food Sensitivity isn't a "treatment at all" but rather a FACT hunting mission to solve your mystery!
These people want, maybe have a need, to believe everything their doctors and "modern medicine" says.
Even when their doctors admit they don't know what's happening with them!
It blows my mind.
It's as if they'd rather feel "right" than feeling better and happy. :(
They're weirdly afraid of the possibility that what they've been told and what they've "bought into" about their ailments may be wrong...
That there IS a solution...
There is help...
There is something they can do...
I get it, I've been there...they don't want to be disappointed again.
On some strange level, they want to believe that they are "broken".
That there's no hope to get better.
That they just have to "live" with this pain and discomfort. They have to take pills forever...
Even if they discover an alternative (like the one I'm about to show you) that could help them to feel better!?!
It's totally bizarre.
It appears as if their identity is so wrapped around their's become their crutch. Their excuse. Their abusive friend.
It's almost like they have Stockholm Syndrome toward their ailments...they've grown to sympathize with their terrorist captors who are hurting them.
The idea that THEY have control and that a food may be poisoning them somehow becomes a threat to their reality?
It's really sad.
We'll get into this strange psychology in a second...chances are there is a little bit of this lurking inside of you holding you back from you getting what you want.
Before we get too far let me tell you who this isn't for.
It should be obvious to you by now, but if you're looking for a magic pill or ointment, this is not for you.
The concepts are 5th grade level simple.
The system is easy and the rewards are great BUT it does take more effort than popping a pill.
I know people who pop pills like they're candy yet they continue feel miserable, have anxiety, can't sleep and are in pain. Plus they KNOW they're having side-effects too.
That's nuts isn't it?
Despite it all they continue to "believe" in the pills and refuse to try anything else.
Or they simply want to ignore what's happening to their body.
In fact I'm against the whole insurance driven medical industry...the whole 5 minute doctor visit and a prescription pad (or worse a scalpel) that medicine?
If so "they" can have!
Granted, there is a time and place for pills and surgery. I'm very thankful they exist. I would not be here, alive, without them.
But let's try to head things off BEFORE it comes to that.
I think the whole quick fix mentality is the single biggest contributor to all our ills out there...everyone seems to be "on something" yet they don't seem to be getting any better do they?
In fact all indications are we're getting worse!
Study after study shows our life expectancy in the Unites States is going DOWN not up!
Can you believe that?
We're dying younger and younger.
The richest country the world has ever seen, who spends more on health than any other getting sicker?!
For the first time in generations we're going to live fewer years than our parents. And many of those years will be in pain and misery.
Fewer years alive and more of our final years miserable and sick.
I do not like the sound of that.
I'm on a mission to help those who do not want this for themselves.
You've probably heard the slew of pharmaceutical commercials dominating TV lately.
How can you not, right?
We're bombarded by them.
There's a "magic pill" for everything from Erectile Dysfunction, to Restless Leg Syndrome, to Fibromyalgia to Psoriasis and Eczema to Acid Reflux and Heartburn to Anxiety and Depression.
They sound WONDERFUL and GREAT until the end when they casually list off the side effects like skin rashes, liver failure, heart attacks, strokes, suicidal thoughts...DEATH!
There are much better ways to go...that's what I'm here to share with you.
Use pills, if you must, to get you through the worst of it but let me show you a better long term solution.
I'm going to show you how in this blueprint today.
This is what I'm for...
I'm all for the individual empowering themselves and taking control of their health.
I'm for putting the right things into the body and eliminating the negative.
I'm for getting the poison out and letting the body heal itself!
I'm for taking initiative and solving a problem especially when it comes to our own bodies...we only get one and we only have so much time on the planet and only so much time to spend with the people we care about, so let's make the best of it.
This moment in time only last so long...and then it's gone forever.
Kids grow up. We grow older. Time passes.
There is no getting it back--you know this.
Let's dive in and see how we can get you feeling better!
You have options.
Traditional medicine (TM) is one of them.
TM has a symptomatic approach.
This means they treat the SYMPTOM to make the pain go away.
They DO NOT target the underlying "cause" of the symptom.
For the sake of brevity I'm going to oversimplify this....
Here's how Traditional Medicine works today...
When number 4 happens it's awesome!
Your body heals itself and you move on! Whoo-hoo!
But MANY times that's not the way it works...Your body moves to 5 and the cycle continues.
This is where traditional doctors get confused.
Traditional doctors don't understand why the body is not healing itself. They don't understand that an outside trigger is impacting your ailment.
Many times this is when your doctor says..."It's in your mind.", "It's psychological", "It's stress or anxiety" or whatever reason they give because they don't know the answer.
If you have a food sensitivity you can view TM as something like this analogy...
Remember, traditional medicine generally acts as if food sensitivities do not exist. They don't believe in them.
So, let's say you're typing an email to a friend and you see a typo.
You want to "delete" the error.
Traditional medicine is like you putting a piece of black tape on the screen of your computer to cover the typo.
A more drastic measure would be taking a hammer to the typo and shattering the screen.
Perfect! You can't see the typo anymore...exactly what the doctor wanted, right?!
But is the typo really gone?
Sure you can't see it right now behind the black tape or shattered screen...but has it been removed from the email?
Of course it's not gone...
It's simply not visible at the moment.
The moment you hit send on that email, your friend receives the "deleted" typo because it was never really deleted from the computer in the first place...
It was just temporally covered up.
Yes, taking a hammer to a computer screen to delete a word sounds silly.
Who would do that? Nobody, right?
This is exactly what we do to our bodies all the time...we take hammers, chisels and flamethrowers to our ailments.
We whack our bodies with surgery, pills and chemical injections in the hope for a cure.
You have options.
Traditional medicine (TM) is one of them.
TM has a symptomatic approach.
This means they treat the SYMPTOM to make the pain go away.
They DO NOT target the underlying "cause" of the symptom.
For the sake of brevity I'm going to oversimplify this....
Here's how Traditional Medicine works today...
- Ailment symptom appears.
- Pills, ointments, surgery etc. are applied to the SYMPTOM.
- Symptom is dulled...
- Giving the body time to heal the "cause" of the pain.
- If there is an outside trigger such as a food sensitivity, the cycle continues back to number 1.
When number 4 happens it's awesome!
Your body heals itself and you move on! Whoo-hoo!
But MANY times that's not the way it works...Your body moves to 5 and the cycle continues.
This is where traditional doctors get confused.
Traditional doctors don't understand why the body is not healing itself. They don't understand that an outside trigger is impacting your ailment.
Many times this is when your doctor says..."It's in your mind.", "It's psychological", "It's stress or anxiety" or whatever reason they give because they don't know the answer.
If you have a food sensitivity you can view TM as something like this analogy...
Remember, traditional medicine generally acts as if food sensitivities do not exist. They don't believe in them.
So, let's say you're typing an email to a friend and you see a typo.
You want to "delete" the error.
Traditional medicine is like you putting a piece of black tape on the screen of your computer to cover the typo.
A more drastic measure would be taking a hammer to the typo and shattering the screen.
Perfect! You can't see the typo anymore...exactly what the doctor wanted, right?!
But is the typo really gone?
Sure you can't see it right now behind the black tape or shattered screen...but has it been removed from the email?
Of course it's not gone...
It's simply not visible at the moment.
The moment you hit send on that email, your friend receives the "deleted" typo because it was never really deleted from the computer in the first place...
It was just temporally covered up.
Yes, taking a hammer to a computer screen to delete a word sounds silly.
Who would do that? Nobody, right?
This is exactly what we do to our bodies all the time...we take hammers, chisels and flamethrowers to our ailments.
We whack our bodies with surgery, pills and chemical injections in the hope for a cure.
Did you know properly prescribed medications is the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S. [p40 No Grain No Pain, Dr. Peter Osborne]
Yes you read that right...PROPERLY PRESCRIBED medications = 4th leading cause of death!
When you think about that, maybe a sledge hammer would have been the more appropriate image in the email analogy.
Sometimes medication IS very necessary.
But the side effects and long term damage of medication is very real too.
It's really not the traditional doctor's fault...
Doctors are trained to treat the symptom. They are NOT trained to find the trigger of the symptom.
And they're just not taught any of this food sensitivity stuff.
Like I mentioned before...
On average, traditional doctors are only given 8 hours of nutritional training during their ENTIRE education...
They're not given the opportunity to learn the impact food has on the body. [p28 No Grain No Pain, Dr. Peter Osborne]
You've probably invested more time into leaning the impact of food and diet on your body than the average general practitioner.
And you're about to discover the most important things you need to know right now!
Yes you read that right...PROPERLY PRESCRIBED medications = 4th leading cause of death!
When you think about that, maybe a sledge hammer would have been the more appropriate image in the email analogy.
Sometimes medication IS very necessary.
But the side effects and long term damage of medication is very real too.
It's really not the traditional doctor's fault...
Doctors are trained to treat the symptom. They are NOT trained to find the trigger of the symptom.
And they're just not taught any of this food sensitivity stuff.
Like I mentioned before...
On average, traditional doctors are only given 8 hours of nutritional training during their ENTIRE education...
They're not given the opportunity to learn the impact food has on the body. [p28 No Grain No Pain, Dr. Peter Osborne]
You've probably invested more time into leaning the impact of food and diet on your body than the average general practitioner.
And you're about to discover the most important things you need to know right now!

The Food Sensitivity Ferris Wheel of Pain
When you eat a food you're allergic/sensitive to, a cascade of reactions happen within your body.
In simplified terms, Dr. Arthur Coca and his colleagues discovered your body responds to this "allergic food" with over activity as if it's under attack.
This results in inflammation in different parts of the body...including membranes surrounding major organs.
Examples include, the membrane around the:
- Joints (arthritis/back pain)
- Kidneys (high blood pressure)
- The bowels (IBS)
- Nasal membrane (sinus issues),
- Heart,
- Skin (the largest organ),
- Pancreas,
- Membrane in and around the mouth and lips (canker sores),
- Anus membrane (hemorrhoids)
- Membrane around the brain (headaches, migraines and all sorts of nasty things)
- etc.
...A cascade of inflammation triggered by an allergic food.
Here's how it works.
Food Sensitivity Ferris Wheel of Pain
- You unknowingly put a food in your mouth that you are allergic/sensitive to.
- Your body nearly instantly and automatically responds to the food-poison...similar to the fight or flight response.
- Chain reactions of measurable biological patterns appear.
- Pulse increases as hormones and other response chemicals flood the blood stream.
- Inflammation of membranes throughout the body.
- Micro-responses such as stuffy nose, mind fog or headache appear.
- Over the course of hours to days, major ailments flare in the form of symptoms (over 150 have been shown to be impacted by food sensitivity)
- Domino effect kicks symptom causes another.
- Ailments/symptoms linger for hours, days or weeks.
- As the body eliminates the food-poison, the ailment symptoms subside.
- The "poison food" is eaten again and the patterns repeat themselves.
Here's an easy way to understand food sensitivity.
Everyone knows how a mouse trap works right?
The trap is set and when a mouse comes along the trap is sprung...
You can view your ailment in a similar way.
Here's how...
The Mouse Trap Trigger
Just like how a mouse trap is triggered when a mouse comes along...
Your "ailment trap" is TRIGGERED when a "food-sensitivity" comes along.
But here's the the fatal flaw of mouse traps...There biggest weakness.
They do not chase mice around nor do they hunt them down...
A mouse trap is triggered ONLY when a mouse comes along to trigger it.
Otherwise it's not triggered at all!
If you leave the trap alone, it leaves you alone. Nothing happens. It's never triggered.
And that's whats important here...
That's how food sensitivity and ailment triggers work too!
Your aliment is triggered when a food-poison (or other stress) is introduced.
No trigger food no ailment.
You can think of it like this...
Your body is like a house that has a GIANT ailment mouse trap inside it...a HUGE one like the size of bedroom.
See the image of that big mouse trap inside your house?
This trap so big and powerful it shakes the entire house when the spring is triggered.
When this giant trap snaps shut, its force cracks the walls and breaks windows...
It rocks the foundation.
Pipes leak and the lights flicker.
Over time a cascade of problems occur.
The house begins to tilt. Door don't close quite right. Windows let the cold in.
Things get worse and worse.
Water leaks from pipes. Fires start from shorted wires...
Make sense?
Do you see how your ailment is like a triggered mouse trap?
Here's the super cool thing I really want you to understand.
This is really important so listen up...
No matter how big or how small the mouse trap...If a mouse never comes along, the trap is NEVER triggered!
Get the idea?
The same is true for your ailments.
Remove the food-poison and you don't trigger the ailment!
Keep the food sensitivity out and your ailments go away!
Everyone knows how a mouse trap works right?
The trap is set and when a mouse comes along the trap is sprung...
You can view your ailment in a similar way.
Here's how...
The Mouse Trap Trigger
Just like how a mouse trap is triggered when a mouse comes along...
Your "ailment trap" is TRIGGERED when a "food-sensitivity" comes along.
But here's the the fatal flaw of mouse traps...There biggest weakness.
They do not chase mice around nor do they hunt them down...
A mouse trap is triggered ONLY when a mouse comes along to trigger it.
Otherwise it's not triggered at all!
If you leave the trap alone, it leaves you alone. Nothing happens. It's never triggered.
And that's whats important here...
That's how food sensitivity and ailment triggers work too!
Your aliment is triggered when a food-poison (or other stress) is introduced.
No trigger food no ailment.
You can think of it like this...
Your body is like a house that has a GIANT ailment mouse trap inside it...a HUGE one like the size of bedroom.
See the image of that big mouse trap inside your house?
This trap so big and powerful it shakes the entire house when the spring is triggered.
When this giant trap snaps shut, its force cracks the walls and breaks windows...
It rocks the foundation.
Pipes leak and the lights flicker.
Over time a cascade of problems occur.
The house begins to tilt. Door don't close quite right. Windows let the cold in.
Things get worse and worse.
Water leaks from pipes. Fires start from shorted wires...
Make sense?
Do you see how your ailment is like a triggered mouse trap?
Here's the super cool thing I really want you to understand.
This is really important so listen up...
No matter how big or how small the mouse trap...If a mouse never comes along, the trap is NEVER triggered!
Get the idea?
The same is true for your ailments.
Remove the food-poison and you don't trigger the ailment!
Keep the food sensitivity out and your ailments go away!
...Now that you know how food triggers work, I want you to see how they impact your body.
Once you see this you'll understand why it's been so hard for you to discover your trigger foods.
After this, I'll show you why this so important to solving your own mystery ailments and how to find them...
The 7 Most Important Ways Allergy Foods Can Impact Your Body That You Need To Know...
1. Sensitivity Level: This means--how much do you need to eat before you experience symptoms?
For some people it could be the amount the size of a fingernail...for others an entire serving is fine but two servings is too much.
When you know how sensitive you are, this allow you to know how much you can eat without symptoms.
2. Intensity of your sensitivity. This means how bad you feel and how strong the symptoms become when you eat the food. For many people the intensity increases over time. Especially true for arthritis and other inflammatory pains.
3. Duration. How long does the reaction and symptoms stay with your body.
4. Cumulative effect: Does a combination of foods bring on the ailment and symptom?
5. Life-factor impact: What impact do life-factors like sleep, stress and activity have on your ailment?
For example: The domino effect...A food-poison triggers ANXIETY which causes poor restless sleep...the restless sleep causes more anxiety the next day. The increased anxiety creates even poorer sleep the next night...and the cycle continues.
See the image below.
6. Delayed reaction: This is when you eat the food today but symptoms do not appear for a day or two. This is one of the reasons why it's so difficult to pinpoint food sensitivities.
I'm going to show you the new way of how to easily pinpoint your triggers, even the ones that hide by delaying... in just a moment!
7. Carryover Effect: This is related to delayed reaction above.
You eat the food today, but your food-poison stays in your body for a can see proof of this when your pulse rate stays elevated for hours to days after eating a major trigger food.
More on this in a moment. First...
Once you see this you'll understand why it's been so hard for you to discover your trigger foods.
After this, I'll show you why this so important to solving your own mystery ailments and how to find them...
The 7 Most Important Ways Allergy Foods Can Impact Your Body That You Need To Know...
1. Sensitivity Level: This means--how much do you need to eat before you experience symptoms?
For some people it could be the amount the size of a fingernail...for others an entire serving is fine but two servings is too much.
When you know how sensitive you are, this allow you to know how much you can eat without symptoms.
2. Intensity of your sensitivity. This means how bad you feel and how strong the symptoms become when you eat the food. For many people the intensity increases over time. Especially true for arthritis and other inflammatory pains.
3. Duration. How long does the reaction and symptoms stay with your body.
4. Cumulative effect: Does a combination of foods bring on the ailment and symptom?
5. Life-factor impact: What impact do life-factors like sleep, stress and activity have on your ailment?
For example: The domino effect...A food-poison triggers ANXIETY which causes poor restless sleep...the restless sleep causes more anxiety the next day. The increased anxiety creates even poorer sleep the next night...and the cycle continues.
See the image below.
6. Delayed reaction: This is when you eat the food today but symptoms do not appear for a day or two. This is one of the reasons why it's so difficult to pinpoint food sensitivities.
I'm going to show you the new way of how to easily pinpoint your triggers, even the ones that hide by delaying... in just a moment!
7. Carryover Effect: This is related to delayed reaction above.
You eat the food today, but your food-poison stays in your body for a can see proof of this when your pulse rate stays elevated for hours to days after eating a major trigger food.
More on this in a moment. First...
The 4 Main Ways Food Triggers Impact Your Ailment...
Solo Triggers
1. ONE Trigger Food Impacts ONE Ailment:
In this scenario you have ONE Food that triggers ONE Ailment. Very simple and straightforward. This happens when you eat a food, at say 3pm, and 8 hours later, at 10pm, your ailment flares. Because the symptom is delayed it's hard to identify this trigger. When you have a little help this is actually the EASIEST food trigger to find. I'll show you how...we'll get into all of this later in the blueprint...First, the remaining three important ways food triggers impact your ailment. |
2. MULTIPLE Trigger Foods Impact ONE Ailment: Here we have TWO or more foods that trigger the SAME ailment. Multi-Triggers are trickier to solve than Solo Triggers because if you stop one trigger you potentially could still have the ailment if you continue to eat the other trigger food. For example, If you stop eating the first food and the ailment continues, you may doubt the first food was a trigger at all causing you resume eating it...which of course triggers your ailment! Food triggers are very sneaky. You'll learn how to solve this one too. |
Domino Triggers
3. Cascade Effect: One Trigger - Multiple Ailments
In this scenario we have ONE food that triggers One ailment but then THAT ailment triggers another ailment (which can trigger another ailment...and other and on and on). It's like a waterfall...a painful frustrating waterfall that you feel you can't stop. The good news is you can...and I'll show you how in Part II of this book! The even BETTER news...when you knock out the ONE "cascade" trigger food, you can potentially knock out MULTIPLE ailments! I see this with students all the time! |
4. Kingpin Effect: One Trigger - Multiple Ailments Kingpin triggers are the opposite of cascade triggers. Here you have ONE food that triggers MULTIPLE ailments. This is one of my favorite triggers to find too! Why? Because when you find the ONE Trigger Food ...2, 3 or more ailments melt away like magic! I love it! :) |
You'd think this was rare...but it's actually more common than you'd think.
As you can see in the graphic above, it's entirely possible to stop 3 or more ailments and micro-responses simply by removing a SINGLE food trigger!
It's also true that ONE trigger food can cause an EXTREMELY intense and debilitating ailment...remember "intensity" from the 7 most important way food sensitivity impart your body above.
When you find a Cascade or Kingpin food trigger it's awesome! By removing one trigger food you get DOUBLE or TRIPLE the ailment killing results!
Part II
Tests and Solutions: How to UNCOVER your personal Food Triggers so you can finally get off the Ferris Wheel of pain and suffering.
Now that you have an idea of what's going on with your body, your food triggers and your ailments...let's dive into the Kill The Trigger...Kill The Ailment Blueprint...
I want to get into how you discover your specific food poisons...
There's something very important you need to know first...
Is there "something else" lurking in your body...impacting your ailments other than trigger foods?
If the #1 biggest mistake people make about food sensitivity is that they don't contribute any of their ailments to food.... (Like traditional medicine for example.)
Then the #2 biggest mistake people make with food sensitivities is that they contribute ALL their ailments to a food when in fact something else is the trigger.
This means that there is a possible secondary "cause" for your ailments other than a food.
Knowing this first, helps unravel your mystery ailments much faster.
Here's step 1 of the Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Blueprint...
Step 1: Do you have "other" sensitivities?
Tobacco and bed dust are evil little suckers.
Both are powerful allergens that are more common than most think.
Research has shown that between 50% and 75% of the U.S. population is allergic to tobacco alone.
The allergic symptoms caused by tobacco and bed dust mimic those of food sensitivities.
Fortunately for you, these two sensitivities are fairly easy to determine!
Remember earlier from the Ferris Wheel of Pain, you learned how the body's natural response to a poison food is an increased heart rate?
A pulse spike is the SMOKING GUN we're looking for when hunting sensitivities!
When your body reacts to a poison it reveals the clues...
We're going to use these clues to find your triggers!
Here's how...
The idea is simple.
When you see an increased pulse rate after contact with tobacco or bed dust you know you are sensitive to it!
Yep, that's it...Easy! :)
This is how you check.
1. The 3 Step Tobacco Test.
If you want to know more about the biology behind this test we get into that in a moment.
Here's the premise...the idea is simple.
A: A healthy "non-poisoned" person has a very consistent resting pulse rate.
The medical world says it's 72 beats per minute but in reality yours is probably lower or higher.
Your pulse is like your fingerprints...everyone has them but each is unique.
B: A person who's body is under stress because of a food-poison will have a varying resting pulse rate.
This means it will have spikes. It goes up and down a lot.
With tobacco, the body's response is nearly immediate. If you're sensitive to it, your heart rate will increase as your body responds to the poison "attack".
Very simple and straightforward.
Don't worry...the test below will clear it up any confusion you may have.
Here's the 3 Step Tobacco Test to determine if you're sensitive to tobacco.
First, count your heartbeats for a FULL 60 seconds while sitting in a chair...record your results.
Second, either smoke tobacco...
You can test yourself after begin exposed to second-hand smoke. (For the severely allergic, even the lingering tobacco residue on a friend's clothing is enough to TRIGGER the body!)
Third, after 15 minutes take your pulse again for a FULL 60 seconds while sitting in a chair.
RESULTS: If the difference in your before and after pulse is greater than 7 there is a higher probability you have a tobacco allergy and your mystery ailment may be impacted by tobacco.
If you don't see a spike after 15 minutes, take your pulse again in 15 minutes (30 minutes after exposure) and compare to your before pulse rate.
By taking your pulse again, you catch any delayed reactions.
Ideally this test is best done first thing in the morning BEFORE your body is under the influence of any possible food-poisons.
To be clear...I'm not suggesting smoking is good for you--even if your body does not have an allergic reaction to it.
The test only determines if your body has a hyper response to tobacco and may be impacting your ailment.
I think research is clear at this point, that tobacco (and the chemicals they add to it) is generally not good for the body.
If you have a tobacco sensitivity...avoid it at all costs.
2. The 2 Part Bed Dust Test
Again we're using your pulse to find the answer.
(Bed dust is found in your mattress and pillows. This is different than house dust you find on furniture.)
Part 1: We must first determine your baseline pulse rate.
This is your everyday resting pulse rate.
To do this take your pulse while sitting in a chair for a FULL 60 seconds. Record your results.
You can do this right now...I'll wait! :)
Part 2: Tomorrow morning when you wake do NOT get out of bed until you take your pulse.
While laying in bed take your pulse for a FULL 60 seconds and record your results.
Results: If your pulse is higher in morning upon waking than during the day, there is a higher probability you have an allergy to bed dust.
If this is the case, seriously consider getting quality allergy covers for your mattress and pillows.
*** Important Test Tip: Get your "day pulse rate" from part 1 above AFTER you get out of bed BUT BEFORE you eat or drink anything for breakfast...this way you're more assured of a "clean" test uninfluenced by potential food triggers or tobacco.
Do not underestimate the havoc Tobacco or Bed Dust allergies can unleash on your body.
Completing Step 1 was a major accomplishment for your trigger hunting journey!
Now let's move on to step 2 of the Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Blueprint
Step 2: Do you have a food sensitivity?
1. The KT...KA Food Sensitivity Checklist
Let's determine if you have any of the telltale signs of a food sensitivity.
Do you have one or more of the following "minor" symptoms in addition to your major mystery ailments?
- More colds per year than your friends?
- Colds seem more intense and linger longer than friends' colds?
- Fatigue when you wake in the morning or other times of the day?
- Frequent headaches?
- "Sticky eyes" in the morning?
- Stuffy nose (can be only slightly)?
- Nasally voice?
- Runny nose, eyes or ears (can be only slightly)?
- Mental focus or "foggy-mind" problems?
- Memory issues ?
- Muscle, back, neck or joint aches?
- Muscle twitches?
- Anxiousness or restless sleeping?
- Itchy, dry or problem skin?
- Stomach aches?
- Gas or gas pains?
- Frequent diarrhea?
- Mood swings?
- Phlegm (frequent throat clearing)?
Results: Having one or two of the above is an indication you may have a food sensitivity.
Having three or more increases your probability dramatically.
**** A common PITFALL people fall into with symptoms like headaches, stuffy nose or any of the symptoms on the list above is that they are so frequent and so part of a person's life the symptoms are perceived as a "normal" parts of being alive...of being human. ****
There are NO "normal" ailments.
Remember, the natural state of the human body is balance and harmony.
People mistakenly think, "Everyone has headaches and stuffy noses. It's normal right?"
Pharmaceutical companies have bombarded us with of pain, stuffy nose, depression and a whole assortment of medication advertisements which reinforce the perception that pain is normal...but I assure you it is not.
Pain and discomfort are NOT normal!
If you have one or more of the above minor symptoms move on to Step 3 of the Kill The Trigger...Kill the Ailment Blueprint...We'll begin to find your triggers so you start feeling better again as quickly as possible.
The second test to determine if you have a food sensitivity is a simple one.
2. The 2-minute Food Sensitivity Stand and Sit Test.
This biological phenomenon was discovered by Dr. Sanchez-Cuenca and corroborated by Dr. Arthur Coca, the creator of The Pulse Test for food sensitivities.
We're going to use your pulse again here.
Your body will tell us if you likely have a food sensitivity or not.
All we have to do is listen.
The idea behind this test is simple.
A healthy "non-poisoned" person has a very consistent resting pulse rate.
While a person who's body is under "attack" because of a food-poison (or other sensitivity discussed in Step 1 above) will have a varying resting pulse rate.
So if your heart rate varies between sitting and standing...this is another indication you have a food sensitivity.
This is how you do the test:
- Sit comfortably in a chair.
- Find your pulse either on your neck or wrist.
- Count your heartbeats for a FULL 60 seconds.
- Record your results.
- Now Stand.
- Find your pulse either on your neck or wrist.
- Count your heartbeats for a FULL 60 seconds.
- Record your results.
Results: If your standing pulse is 3 beats or more than your sitting pulse, this is an indication of "allergic tension" and a possible food sensitivity.
Things to consider.
*** Important Tip: If you highly suspect a food sensitivity and your pulse is similar sitting and standing it's possible you have not eaten the offending food in the past couple of days and your body is not currently under allergic tension.
Repeat this test over the course of the next couple of days for confirmation. Like any test, these indicators and should not be taken as gospel.
Great job on completing Step 2 of the Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Blueprint!
At this point you're beginning to understand the impact trigger foods have on your body.
You understand your increased pulse is the "smoking gun" of food sensitivity and one of the easiest ways to catch it in action.
Your pulse is a major "breadcrumb" you can follow to find your triggers.
You reviewed the Food Sensitivity Checklist and maybe have even completed a few tests to confirm what you already have a food sensitivity.
Now we've come to the big question that's probably on your mind:
"Ok, I suspect I have a food sensitivity, which SPECIFIC food is causing my problems?"
What food can you stop eating right now so that your life is transformed and you start feeling better?
Step 3 of the KT...KA Blueprint is is all about hunting down your specific food triggers!
I'm going to show you how...
Before I do, there's something you need to know first.
It's CRITICAL to your success.
This is extremely important for you to read before you take the next step.
Like I said before, you probably tried "it all" in the past and maybe it all failed for you.
Maybe you're like me and you tried, got your hopes up and nothing ... again.
You may be having some conflicting emotions.
On the one hand you're excited by what you've discovered and all that you've learned today...
On the other hand you may be thinking, "What if it's not all true?"
or "What if I try this 'Kill the Trigger thing' and I fail again?"
What if your friends and family are skeptical?
What if they see you trying something new and get frustrated by your optimism?
What if they don't support you and discourage you...
Or worse, tease you or make fun of you (even in a loving way)?
These are all legitimate concerns.
They want to protect you.
Like I said before...the blueprint I'm giving you is NOT built on wishful thinking...
The Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Blueprint is build on PROOF, FACTS and MEASURABLE Results.
It's science, math and deductive reasoning.
This isn't a test you send off to a lab riddled with false positives or more questions or theory you read in a school text book.
We are going to follow the "breadcrumbs" YOUR BODY LEAVES as clues to the trigger food!
This is not's biology and physiology.
You will watch with your own two eyes as YOUR biology reacts to the trigger first with an increased heart beat...then micro responses...then your full blown ailment.
I'm going to show you how.
I know you're not happy with your're hurting.
You're sick and tired of it.
But giving up and not trying anything new because you're afraid of what others think (or what you think they think!) is like sentencing YOURSELF to prison on death row.
You're shutting yourself away...putting up walls and bars between you and the people you love and who love you.
You are taking away your own freedoms.
And here's the scary part...
The longer you stay in this prison the thicker the bars become.
The higher the walls get.
The more "comfortable" you become here the more uncomfortable you become even by the thought of leaving.
Before you know it, you begin to think you don't want your family and friends to see you like this anymore.
You start justifying being alone.
You begin to reason that you're saving them from you!
Very dangerous thoughts.
Trust me...there is a point of no return.
The point when you believe and accept your ailments are a way of life...
That feeling bad, in pain and all alone is life for you....just the way it is.
That is a dark dark place I don't want for you or for anyone!
I've seen too many people I care about get stuck in this god forsaken place.
Once you are there it's nearly impossible to get out.
You're all alone.
I know this is a pretty unique way to look at it but it's true.
It may sound extreme...
A self-imposed prison is exactly how to look at it.
So if I come off strong at times....this is why. I want to do all I can to prevent you from going there.
Sure, some people may snicker at your thoughts about all this.
Some people may "laugh" at first.
Just know, in some sort of weird loving way, they're trying to protect you.
Many times they snicker because THEY'RE secretly hurting with their own mystery ailments.
They are the ones who don't want to be disappointed again.
They may be the ones struggling with their own self-imposed prison.
The great news is...
The fantastic news actually....
These are the people you can inspire...when they see you succeeding, they may believe they can succeed too!
Don't believe me? Sound too far fetched?
Just think about all the people who have NO IDEA you are struggling with your mystery ailments because you keep it from them.
Coworkers? Friends? Family? Children? Even your spouse or mate?
How well do you hide your symptoms from them?
You're probably very good at it right? I know I am.
Any one of these people could be secretly suffering and hiding their ailments from you too!
Statistically speaking, a few most certainly are.
And they are just as good as you at hiding them. Maybe better.
Think about that.
Now let's move on to Step 3 of the Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Blueprint...How to find your trigger foods.
Step 3: How do you find your trigger foods?
You've now been through steps 1 and 2 of the Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Blueprint and you highly suspect you have a food sensitivity or food intolerance...
What do you do NOW ?
Now, you find your food triggers!
And finding food triggers is the heart of the KT...KA Blueprint...
If you have food sensitivity, chances are you have at least one mystery ailment or symptom no one can seem to solve or give you answers for...
You may even have more than one.
Whether it's physical chronic pain like arthritis or emotional pain like anxiety or depression or skin issues or digestive problems or over a 150 other ailments linked to food triggers it doesn't matter.
You've probably seen a traditional doctor (or two) and maybe even a specialist (or two) and been disappointed or unsatisfied with their diagnosis or solution.
You've read books, blogs and watched videos about your ailment...
Tried pills, supplements, herbs, vitamins, ointments, salves, therapy...and a slew of other possible solutions...
All with varying degrees of results from GOT WORSE to temporary benefit.
You're frustrated and want your particular ailment to be GONE already!
You want to know WHY you're having this issue.
You're tired of it.
You want answers and results!
You just want to feel better.
I've been exactly where you are now...
Frustrated, tired, and wanting much so, it inspired me to devote YEARS and 10's of thousands of dollars to create the Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment System to help you find YOUR unique triggers!
I've read volumes of books, attended seminars, interviewed experts, run countless experiments, and continue to fine tune the whole system with trial and error all in the hopes of getting people like you this information.
I've learned a thing or two about food sensitivity and food triggers!
You have a wide range of options....
Before I get into the specifics of KT...KA Method for finding your triggers, I want to show them to you.
Some are useful...some not so much. The important thing is you know what they are.
Here are your options.
The 7 Main Options If You Suspect You Have A Food Sensitivity:
1. Do Nothing Option: (Easiest and most deadly of all options)
Many people burnout, give up and choose to do nothing at all...They decide to simply suffer with their mystery ailment.
They believe what their doctors told them..."there's nothing that can be done."
They feel this is the only way. They've lost hope.
Their spirit is broken. It's very sad to see. :(
This is the self imposed prison I told you about earlier.
They miss out on life, they don't live up to their potential because of their ailment and pain.
They're miserable.
They're lonely and in many ways end up totally alone.
This is actually the most selfish option to take...
No one is on an island...there are people who care about them. They have gifts to offer and can't fully give them when they're not 100%.
This is the saddest part of all...
The people they love the most, suffer right along with them.
Food Sensitivity is NOT a spectator sport. If you want the solution you have to work for it. You have to actively participate in your health.
"Good intentions are not enough if you are serious about discovering the causes of your ill health, present or future."--Arthur F. Coca M.D.
I'm going to give you the steps to find your triggers. I'm even going to give you the tools in which to do it.
And if you want help implementing...I'll show you how to get that too...
But ultimately...
YOU must decide.
You must act.
2. Traditional Medicine: (Easy. Can be expensive. Can involve pills, ointments or surgery)
If you're on this page, you've probably already seen your traditional doctors...maybe even a specialist or two.
If you have not, do it. You should.
I encourage you to see your doctor.
Your doctor will rule out any serious maladies.
This will put your mind at ease and provide a major clue toward your ailment mystery!
If your doctors can't find the cause of your ailment and symptoms...there is a good chance you have a food sensitivity or intolerance.
You're in the right place for that!
Remember, traditional medicine is best at numbing the symptoms...they have a symptomatic approach. There is a time and a place for that...
We're going to try a new approach...we're going after the SOURCE of the symptom so you can stop it for good!
You're about to learn how.
I'm going to give you the steps to finding your triggers.
I'm even going to give you the tools in which to do it!
First, let's finish going over your options.
3. Special Food Sensitivity Elimination Diet: (Advanced: Moderately expensive. Disruptive to the household and hard to implement and stick to)
These diets can work.
There's no sugar coating it...Food Sensitivity Elimination Diets are unpleasant.
They involve drastically changing your diet and preparing special meals.
In theory it's real life it's very difficult.
The real-world failure rate is extremely high.
There are exceptions.
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen are a beautiful successful married couple. He's the Superbowl winning quarterback of the New England Patriots and she's literally one of the biggest supermodels in the world. They're both considered "ancient" for their respective careers, yet they continue to perform at the highest level.
They contribute their longevity to a STRICT elimination diet. No gluten, no dairy, no nightshade veggies (that means no tomatoes, potatoes or onions) and other inflammation inducing foods.
Tom Brady claims to have never eaten a strawberry in his life.
Yeah, pretty restrictive.
This works for them...BUT they have personal doctors, nutritionists, cooks, chefs and assistants to help them maintain this diet.
Most people don't have this sort of help.
Failing feels horrible especially when you want answers so badly.
This is not an option you want to go in alone on.
In addition to this...
Some foods these diets recommend are considered "allergy safe" but in reality may be the exact food YOU are sensitive to.
So you inadvertently poison yourself even more...
Plus, some of the foods they say to avoid may be perfectly fine for you and something you really enjoy eating.
Why stop eating something that's okay for you and you're not sensitive to?
Maybe Tom Brady isn't sensitive to strawberries or dairy at all...he's eliminating something he may love.
That's no fun and makes the whole process harder to do!
This is called a SHOTGUN strategy because it tries to cover everyone.
Elimination diets are NOT a LASER strategy customized to YOUR specific body...
And everyone's body is different.
Because of this shotgun approach, most don't have the will power to make the diets work.
(Again, ask me how I know! :)
We all live busy lives and special diets are difficult if not impossible to sustain on your own.
Having a coach, nutritionist or Functional or Integrative Practitioner holding you accountable and walking you through and customizing the process helps tremendously.
When the Elimination Diet and a practitioner/coach is combined with the Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Method the RESULTS skyrocket with faster results too!
You'll learn more about the KT...KA Method in just a moment...
4. The Pulse Test (Advanced: Hard to implement and stick to)
I've already given you parts of the Pulse Test...
You've seen it in the 2 Minute Standing and Sitting Test, The Tobacco Test and Bed Dust Test above.
The Pulse Test is awesome!
YOUR BODY tells you if you are sensitive to a food.
This isn't theory or guesswork...Your body responds to the poison and you measure it!
Simple. Straightforward. Quick results.
"The diagnostic method outlined in this volume is fundamentally simple. It is based on the fact that allergens speed up the pulse. It consists essentially of testing isolated foods in order to tell which ones accelerate the pulse." Dr. Arthur F. Coca, M.D. -The Pulse Test pg 11
But as awesome as The Pulse Test is...there's a problem with it.
Like the elimination diets, The Pulse Test has limitations in the real world.
The method requires you to religiously take your pulse over 14 times a day AND control your diet.
This works fine if you are in a science LAB under a strictly controlled environment...
But not so well in real-life.
Again, (say it with me), Ask me how I know!
Over a 6 month stretch I took and recorded over 1500 pulse rate readings researching the body's response to food sensitivities.
The findings culminated in this book.
It's shown to be a big problem for anyone who has a job, kids, friends, entertains, eats out etc...
Pretty much everyone.
Heaven forbid there's a holiday!
There's a an art to the science of The Pulse Test.
Like the food elimination and sensitivity diets, The Pulse Test is advanced and best if you're assisted by a coach, nutritionist or Functional or Integrative Practitioner familiar with it's proper implementation.
The test itself is's the implementation that's the problem.
There is a reason you don't know which food is your trigger...
Allergy foods are sneaky!
Some trigger foods delay symptoms for a day or two while others give you symptoms for WEEKS after you've eaten them.
This is called "carry over effect" and one of the reasons it's so hard to see food intolerance patterns.
The Pulse Test is great at catching these types of triggers so we don't want to throw this test away completely.
I'm about to show you how we've combined the "mini" pulse test into the KT...KA Method to find your trigger foods quickly!
We're going to use your pulse to PROVE when you've found your trigger foods instead of using it to find your trigger foods!
We're going to change the order.
I know this all sounds a little confusing now...don't worry, you'll totally understand in a moment.
I will clear it up for you.
I've made it very easy.
You'll get the steps and I'll guide you through them in just a moment.
5. Pen and Paper Tracking: (Easy and cheap but's nearly impossible to find Trigger Patterns)
This is where I started and where many people begin their food sensitivity journeys...
Pen and paper...old school style!
It's a start...but super clumsy.
It took me over a YEAR to spot my food trigger patterns! :(
Like I mentioned at the start of this book in my personal story ...I got lucky when I spotted them using pen and paper.
It's nearly impossible...
This is because trigger foods hide in plain sight.
You need a special tool to spot the patterns. (more great news about this in a moment)
Tracking your diet is KEY to finding your trigger foods BUT there is a much EASIER and FASTER way to get results than with pen and paper!
Read on...I'm about to show you how! :)
6. Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Method: **HIGHLY RECOMMENDED** (Easy to Implement...finds trigger foods quickly for you. For a limited time you can get it for FREE!)
The KT...KA Method is simple to do.
- It's practical, so you can use it in the real-world.
- It's built for success and fast results!
- It's built for the real-world and uses science and math to find your trigger foods quickly.
I've been doing this a long time.
I've read volumes of books, watched hours of seminars, interviewed health experts and probably most importantly, I've gone through a lot of trial and error to create the Method and to get it right.
Years and thousands of dollars have gone into it's development.
And we're making it better and better everyday.
If you want to find out what's impacting your ailments...this will find it.
And I want you to have it too.
Here's the thing...
Even the most complex ailment patterns are amazingly predictable and easy to find when you have a computer doing all the hard work for you! :)
I'm about to show you how you can get the system for free while it's still available.
I know you've struggled in the past to find answers.
If you're motivated and finding your ailment's triggers is important to you at this point in your life, then you can do this.
It's amazingly easy to use.
- You live your life as you normally live it so you don't have to make major changes.
- Eat like you normally eat.
- NO crazy diets and NO drastic lifestyle changes.
In fact, I want you to live your normal life. Eat the way you normally do. Live how you normally live.
The system finds YOUR patterns and YOUR trigger foods for your specific ailments and symptoms.
And then lists out your suspect trigger foods for you.
Once you have your possible trigger foods...
You use the "mini" Pulse Test to CONFIRM and PROVE you've found your trigger...
There is no guessing.
Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment.
It's really that simple.
This isn't another's simply a FACT finding mission about your body.
I'll show you how to do all of this step by step.
We created a Quick 5-Minute Mini-Tutorial/Demo to show you exactly how this works to solve your mystery ailments and find your UNIQUE TRIGGER FOODS.
Click the big yellow button below to check it out.
Once you complete the Tutorial you will have the opportunity to get a FULL GuideDogData Method account absolutely FREE!
Just be sure to get it while this offer is still available...cause it won't be for long.
Whew...I just delivered a lot to you!
All of this to say...when you eat a food that's poison for your body...your body responds with an ailment and/or pain.
When you find your trigger poison killed the ailment.
It's not rocket science.
It's that simple.
Today I want to tell you about an exciting new way to find your hidden ailment triggers and get rid of them for good.
It's a new system called the Killer the Trigger...Kill The Ailment Method.
If you want to minimize or eliminate your ailments without blood draws, skin scratch tests, dangerous pills or risky surgery, this is for you.
Here's what it will do for you.
What's great about the KT...KA Method is it finds your ailment and trigger patterns for you and does it faster than if you were doing it on your own either in your head or with pen and paper.
Once the system learns about you, it lists out your possible Good foods and your Bad food triggers.
You then confirm and prove the food is a problem for you by using the simple mini pulse test.
This finds your triggers so you can simply eliminate them.
It's really that simple.
I designed it so my 67 year old mother who is actually scared of the computer can do it!
It's also made for people like you who live in the real-world and who have real takes less than 60 seconds a day to implement.
Here's how it works.
The heart of the Kill The Trigger...Kill the Ailment System is a website you go to on your computer, tablet or phone...
You select 3 ailments/symptoms you'd like to find the triggers for.
You'll get your very own personalized dashboard where you enter information about your day.
You move sliders and select pictures of food which makes it super easy.
The system analyzes your data and automatically finds your trigger and ailment patterns for you.
Your data goes in and the computer crunches the numbers with proprietary mathematical formulas.
Within days, the system begins to give you feedback about your life that you use to feel better again.
Within 21 days the system begins to give you your personal good food and bad food lists.
There is no guesswork.
The results are based on your body and what your body is saying about your ailments.
This is a FACT finding mission! You are your very own Ailment Detective! :)
You are in total control.
You'll be proud of what you accomplish.
And you'll be part of a great community.
I know this may sound corny but it's's so easy to use grandmothers/fathers can use it! :)
If you know how to use the mouse on your computer you can do this.
Here's what I want you to do next.
If you want to know what's triggering your ailments, have less uncertainty about your ailments and maybe even end some of the pills you may be taking...I want you to have a Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment lifetime account today.
The price for an account is $197/year but right now it's FREE for you FOR LIFE. This offer is only available for a limited time and a limited number of accounts.
Below you'll see a big yellow button... Click it and this will take you to a 5 minute tutorial on how the system works.
Check out this tutorial-demo...
After that demo you'll know for sure if you want an account or not.
When you're done with that, you'll get your lifetime account FREE!
Here's why you should do it now.
Your free account is part of a special system test promotion. This price is going up once we reach our beta test number of free accounts. We do not know when that is going to happen. It could be today when you're reading this or later...we just don't know. The important thing is that if you feel this may be for you, don't delay. You might not be able to get this opportunity again.
Sure you can put this off, but what's that going to get you? More severe pain? More anxiety? Possibly more damage to your body? More questions about your ailments? More humiliation and embarrassment? More days locked in the house afraid to leave?
I will say this and this is extremely important to me...
The Kill The Trigger...Kill the Ailment System is for people serious about finding the triggers to their ailments.
If you're a dabbler or a person who does not take action and follow through, who's not fully committed to your health and well being then this is NOT for you.
If you're not going to use it, please don't take an it for people who really want answers instead; they would appreciate it and so would we.
Here's why it's smart to take action now.
With that said...if you feel this is for you...give it an honest try for 21 days. Enter your data for 21 days and if you don't feel you have learned more about your body and your ailment than you have in the last 10 years then let me know and I will personally send you a crisp $100 bill for your troubles. We'll part as friends. That's how important I think this is for you.
All of this to say...when you eat a food that's poison for your body...your body responds with an ailment and/or pain.
When you find your trigger poison killed the ailment.
It's not rocket science.
It's that simple.
Today I want to tell you about an exciting new way to find your hidden ailment triggers and get rid of them for good.
It's a new system called the Killer the Trigger...Kill The Ailment Method.
If you want to minimize or eliminate your ailments without blood draws, skin scratch tests, dangerous pills or risky surgery, this is for you.
Here's what it will do for you.
What's great about the KT...KA Method is it finds your ailment and trigger patterns for you and does it faster than if you were doing it on your own either in your head or with pen and paper.
Once the system learns about you, it lists out your possible Good foods and your Bad food triggers.
You then confirm and prove the food is a problem for you by using the simple mini pulse test.
This finds your triggers so you can simply eliminate them.
It's really that simple.
I designed it so my 67 year old mother who is actually scared of the computer can do it!
It's also made for people like you who live in the real-world and who have real takes less than 60 seconds a day to implement.
Here's how it works.
The heart of the Kill The Trigger...Kill the Ailment System is a website you go to on your computer, tablet or phone...
You select 3 ailments/symptoms you'd like to find the triggers for.
You'll get your very own personalized dashboard where you enter information about your day.
You move sliders and select pictures of food which makes it super easy.
The system analyzes your data and automatically finds your trigger and ailment patterns for you.
Your data goes in and the computer crunches the numbers with proprietary mathematical formulas.
Within days, the system begins to give you feedback about your life that you use to feel better again.
Within 21 days the system begins to give you your personal good food and bad food lists.
There is no guesswork.
The results are based on your body and what your body is saying about your ailments.
This is a FACT finding mission! You are your very own Ailment Detective! :)
You are in total control.
You'll be proud of what you accomplish.
And you'll be part of a great community.
I know this may sound corny but it's's so easy to use grandmothers/fathers can use it! :)
If you know how to use the mouse on your computer you can do this.
Here's what I want you to do next.
If you want to know what's triggering your ailments, have less uncertainty about your ailments and maybe even end some of the pills you may be taking...I want you to have a Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment lifetime account today.
The price for an account is $197/year but right now it's FREE for you FOR LIFE. This offer is only available for a limited time and a limited number of accounts.
Below you'll see a big yellow button... Click it and this will take you to a 5 minute tutorial on how the system works.
Check out this tutorial-demo...
After that demo you'll know for sure if you want an account or not.
When you're done with that, you'll get your lifetime account FREE!
Here's why you should do it now.
Your free account is part of a special system test promotion. This price is going up once we reach our beta test number of free accounts. We do not know when that is going to happen. It could be today when you're reading this or later...we just don't know. The important thing is that if you feel this may be for you, don't delay. You might not be able to get this opportunity again.
Sure you can put this off, but what's that going to get you? More severe pain? More anxiety? Possibly more damage to your body? More questions about your ailments? More humiliation and embarrassment? More days locked in the house afraid to leave?
I will say this and this is extremely important to me...
The Kill The Trigger...Kill the Ailment System is for people serious about finding the triggers to their ailments.
If you're a dabbler or a person who does not take action and follow through, who's not fully committed to your health and well being then this is NOT for you.
If you're not going to use it, please don't take an it for people who really want answers instead; they would appreciate it and so would we.
Here's why it's smart to take action now.
With that said...if you feel this is for you...give it an honest try for 21 days. Enter your data for 21 days and if you don't feel you have learned more about your body and your ailment than you have in the last 10 years then let me know and I will personally send you a crisp $100 bill for your troubles. We'll part as friends. That's how important I think this is for you.
Part III
You Found Your Food Triggers: Now what...?
Once you've discovered your food-poison Triggers, what do you do next?
Ok, you've gotten your Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Account...
You've entered your data...
You've gotten your list of possible trigger foods and you've proven and confirmed with the pulse test they are a problem for you...
Now what?
The first thing you want to do is talk to your doctor and let her/him know what you're doing...
That you want to stop eating the poison food to clean your system of the poison.
Once you get the green light from your doctor...
You stop eating that food for a week or two.
Once your system is clear and you're feeling better...these are your options for that trigger food:
1. You can eat light to moderate Trigger foods again! :)
Once your body resets and recovers, you may be a able to eat your trigger foods again.
You'll be only lightly sensitive to some trigger foods while others you may have a major sensitivity to.
The important thing is to know which foods are your trigger foods so you can monitor them.
Every one's body is different so this becomes a trial and error thing.
Once you've cleared your system of this food trigger and you're feeling much better you can try to eat it again if you'd like to.
Start SLOW and with very SMALL portions! Wait at least 4 days to see how your body responds.
If you feel you want to try more...continue.
Simply test how much you can eat and how often you can eat it.
Your body will give you the answer.
Some foods you'll be able to eat once or twice a week without your symptoms appearing!
This is fantastic if one of your favorite foods is a trigger.
2. You'll want to avoid moderate to major trigger foods.
These are foods that trigger your ailment no matter how long you go without eating them.
If this is the case, number 3 below is your best option.
3. Find alternatives to your trigger foods.
There are lots of readily available alternatives out there now for pretty much every food category.
Find a satisfying substitute and before long you won't miss your trigger food at all.
For example: if your trigger food is cane sugar...substitutions would be beet sugar, corn sugar or honey.
You can still enjoy sweets!
There are great alternative for pretty much very food.
Soon you won't miss them at all AND you'll feel great without your ailment!
Things to lookout for and Pitfalls to avoid...
Once you know you trigger foods, you'll want to discover all of their hiding places!
At this point you are a true Allergy Detective! :)
Trigger foods are sneaky little boogers!
For example, if your trigger food is corn it can be hiding in your beef or chicken!
Doesn't that sound crazy!?!
If the animal was feed a corn diet, it may contain enough corn to trigger your ailments and symptoms when you consume it.
So if you're trigger foods are showing as corn AND may not be sensitive to beef at all. It could be the corn inside of the beef!
Totally weird.
The solution is simple though...try grass fed animals.
This was a MAJOR breakthrough for me. Through the KT...KA Blueprint (and software) I learned I'm NOT sensitive to chicken or beef (like I had concluded years ago). I'm actually sensitive to what conventional chicken and beef eat!
You guessed it. GRAINS! The same ones that I discovered we causing my skin flares. Only this time I wasn't eating wheat...the chickens and cows were eating grains and I was eating them!
This was a BIG finding...A HUGE BREAK THROUGH!
Now I enjoy pasture raised beef, eggs, chicken and pork.
(FYI: watch for soy in chickens...even with "organic" chickens. If you're sensitive to corn, soy or're probably sensitive to the organic version too!)
If your body does not react to the grass fed beef...then you know it was what was inside the "conventional" beef that was the trigger.
Same goes for Cheese.
Occasionally, someone has determined they are sensitive to cheese only to realize after switching to cheese made from grass fed cows that they weren't allergic to the cheese at all...
They were sensitive to the food conventional dairy cows were fed!
1. Read labels on foods you suspect are causing you issues...see if your trigger foods are hiding inside.
2. Meats, poultry, butter and cheeses: try products that were fed something other than your trigger food.
3. Gluten Free baked goods are in the headlines lately...but not everyone who thinks they are sensitive to gluten are in fact sensitive to gluten.
If grains eaten whole are not showing as a trigger food for you BUT baked goods are giving you a problem, there's a good chance you're NOT allergic to gluten at all but rather you're actually sensitive to the milk, eggs, butter or sugar that was used to make the baked good!
Always hunt down your trigger food hiding inside of prepared foods and dishes.
But first things first...
Get your FREE lifetime account while the offer is still available so you can find your trigger foods and start feeling better.
Click below to take the 5 minute tutorial/ the end you'll know if this is for you or not.
P.S. I've created a way for anyone to seek-out, find and remove the "CAUSE" of symptoms and ailments.
If you've been to see your doctor and maybe a specialist or two and you're not satisfied with their diagnosis...
Then you are very wise to suspect and investigate a possible food sensitivity.
According to medical research conducted by multiple medical researchers including Dr. Arthur Coca, 9 out of 10 people in the United States has at least one food sensitivity.
Sometimes one food can wreak havoc with our bodies.
Just one!
A simple FOOD can be the TRIGGER to all that pain.
When you kill (remove) the magic you kill the ailment.
Some of us have 3 or 5 or 15 or more trigger foods.
The Kill the Trigger...Kill the Ailment Method was designed to sniff them out so you can eliminate ailments from your life.
You're here because you're in some kind of pain...a dark place. I get that.
Either you have physical pain in your joints, bones, muscles or nerves...
You have emotional and psychological pain associated with anxiety, humiliation or hopelessness not knowing what's going on inside your body.
Maybe you have a combination of the two.
Maybe you're in physical pain and don't want to leave the house because you can feel the way people look at you and you don't like it.
Maybe your skin is inflamed with hives, cysts, acne, psoriasis or eczema. Embarrassed to show your face, hands or legs because you feel people feel it's contagious.
Maybe you're just tired all the time with fatigue...struggle to focus and feel life is passing by in a fog.
Your pain is not just in your head...
There is a physical cause. There is "something" TRIGGERING this inside of you.
And we're going to find it.
You may be to the point where you think your pain is a normal way of life.
A headache every couple of days is "normal", right?
Pain medications like Tylenol and Advil are the number one selling medicine category after all.
Everyone has everyday pain, don't they?
Or maybe you feel a stomach ache a day is "just the way the body works".
Or chronic joint pain is a "normal" part of getting older.
Pain is never normal.
It's your body's signal saying something is WRONG!
It's giving you a clue. A clue we're going to follow like breadcrumbs to the TRIGGER!
Your triggers can't hide for much longer! :)
Join a community of people who are struggling just like you. Who started their journey exactly where you're starting now.
Take the 5 minute demo/tutorial...check out the system.
After that, if this seems like something you want...get an account.
I'm giving you a FREE account today with this book as a bonus (while it's still available).
If you want it, don't delay...get it now while it's on your mind because this is only available for a small number of testing accounts...once they're gone they're gone.
You've read this far...I want YOU to have one
Click the big yellow button above to check out the 5 minute demo/tutorial...
P.P.S. If you're up for the challenge to take control over your health, solve your mystery ailment and become your own Ailment Detective...
Then I have the tools and the method to help you do it.
Here's the thing...
We all track birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and all sorts of other important dates in our lives. We track first dates and first kisses. We track the milestones of our lives AND the milestones of the ones we are closest to and love.
We even track the mundane...
We track how much gas we put into our cars at the pump and how much we have left in the tank as we drive so we don't run out and get stranded on the road.
We track our cars' mileage and some of us even track the miles per gallon so we know if it drops, it's an early sign something is wrong with the car.
We even track how long it's been since the car's last oil change for maintenance and long lasting trouble free use.
The utility companies track and report how much water and electricity we use each month so we know we're billed correctly.
We track how much money we make, how much we're taxed and how much we save to retire.
We're even beginning to track our physical activity with wearable many steps, how many stairs and how we slept last night.
We track all sorts of things to make our lives meaningful and in and day out..
You track the date you were born and someone you love will track the date you die and carve it into your headstone.
We're doing all this tracking...
Are we missing something?
One of the thing we overlook and take for granted may be the most important thing of all to track...
The one thing that has the biggest impact on your everyday life...and certainly the biggest thing if you suspect you have a food sensitivity...
Few track the food they put into their body and how it impacts them...good or bad.
Perhaps it was because there wasn't a good tool to do it with.
Or because there wasn't a strong enough connection between the food you eat and your mystery ailment.
I hope after today you see that there is.
You now have an opportunity to track your food, find your triggers and stop your ailment for good.
Removing the food that is poisoning you is the fastest way to transform your ailments and how you feel.
I'm giving you a free lifetime account today.
Take advantage of it.
This is your life and you must decide to take action.
But like I said before, if you want it, don't delay because this is only available for a small number of testing accounts...once they're gone they're gone. If you want it get it now while it's on your mind.
Click here now to check out the 5 minute demo/tutorial...