Step 3: Recap, Result & Next Steps
Step 3: Final Result
p7Sleep quality
UPDATED 10/26 Sleep quality is one of the most important yet most ignored life factors. Research has shown it's critical to memory and learning, hormonal balance, appetite, and immune system, healing and repairing of your heart and blood vessels and lots more. Science has linked too much or too little sleep to a host of INFLAMMATORY diseases. Schedule 7 to 8 hours of QUALITY restful sleep EVERY night. Think of it like medicine for your entire body. You'll see its impact in next month's Challenge Report. Mensuration UPDATED 10/26 Menstruation plays an important role to a woman's hormonal and chemical balances. Activity level, hydration, sleep quality and certain foods can have a great impact on ailments during this time. For some women, TRIGGER FOODS just before and during their period and during ovulation have a much stronger's important to eliminate your triggers around these times. Bowel movement There's a whole science around bowel movements...that's how important they are to your health. They're critical to excreting harmful toxins and chemicals from your body. 1 to 3 movements a day is considered "normal". Hydrating, getting lots of fiber rich foods everyday (that are not triggers for you) and lowering your stress levels help keep you "regular". Yoga/Stretching UPDATED 10/26 Stretching is very important for PHYSICAL and MENTAL health. It relaxes you, increases circulation and helps maintain range of motion in the joints. A practice of 4 to 5 times a week can act as a protective shield against the ravages of stress hormones so you feel and look younger. Consult your health professional about a low impact stretching or yoga routine you can do everyday. Water intake UPDATED 10/26 Three to five days without water and you DIE. PURE water is important to EVERY function and structure in your body...from regulating body temperature, to mood, to brain function to lubricating your joints to keep them pain free. It also works to reduce inflammation throughout the body by flushing out irritants and harmful toxins. As a general rule, lighter yellow urine is a sign of proper hydration and darker urine is a sign of dehydration. Activity Level UPDATED 10/26 try 2: Activity is important to your PHYSICAL and MENTAL health. Regular activity reduces the risk of many "diseases" while staving off depression and anxiety. Activity IS a "stress" on the body, so keep balanced with hydration and healthy nutrient rich foods. Strive to get the equivalent of 10,000 to 15,000 steps a day but consult your healthcare professional before you change your daily activity routine. You'll see its impact in next month's Challenge Report. Meditation 10/25 Updated Meditation has been shown to be particularly beneficial to MOOD, FOCUS and PERSPECTIVE as it works to reduce anxiety, anxiousness and stress (and the inflammation that comes with it!). Simple controlled deep breathing is meditation. A great place to start is to strive for 3 to 7 minutes of "deep breathing meditation" each day. You'll see its impact in next month's Challenge Report. Sex/Masturbation Sex has a huge impact on the hormones and chemicals in your body. For many they're beneficial but for others these hormones are detrimental. First, determine which is the case for you and then do more or less of that! You'll see its impact in next month's Challenge Report. Knowing this combined with your Hay fever Trigger Foods gives you more control over you Hay fever and can totally transform the way you feel.
A good nights sleep, light moderate activity, and plenty of water all work together to reduce stress... You'll discover even more about your Hay fever/Stress connection from the next keep tracking! New Hay fever Clues Recap
You only had x [up to 3 for this text] severe and moderate Hay fever days during this challenge stage, which is still x [x= number of severe and moderate days] days too many.
Stress Level Results:
[Text for 0 severe and moderate days]. "It looks like your Hay fever was not triggered during this challenge stage. You didn't have any severe or moderate days... Which is awesome! we now have a record of what DOES NOT severely trigger your Hay fever! Keep tracking so when you do have severe Hay fever days we'll have the clues that triggered it!] ===================================== Block text 1: Version 1 You only had x [up to 3 for this text] severe and moderate Hay fever days during this challenge stage, which is still x [x= number of severe and moderate days] days too many. Version 2 [Interactive text: "You had x [for 4+ ] severe and moderate Hay fever days during this challenge stage, which is y % of the time. Let's see if we can get that much lower next time. Block text 2: Version 1 [Text for Severe and moderately connected] Although the data can't show your Hay fever severity is directly "caused" by your Stress does show they are Highly connected and therefore Stress is an important life factor for you. Interactive Text: Your Stress is also: [Highly, Slightly, Moderately} connected to Ailment2 [Highly, Slightly, Moderately} connected to Ailment3 [Highly, Slightly, Moderately} connected to Ailment4 [Highly, Slightly, Moderately} connected to Ailment5 Version 2 [Interactive text for Slightly connected... "Your data shows your Hay fever and Stress level are only Slightly connected. Stress level is always important, but because your Hay fever/stress connection is slight, this suggests Stress may not be the most important Life factor when it comes to your Hay fever. Review the other life factor connections and food triggers lists to find stronger connections that will help solve your Hay fever mystery. ] Action steps:
[Text For 0 moderate and severe days "You didn't have any moderate or severe days. Keep tracking so when you do have bad days and your Hay fever is more severe we'll have the clues that triggered it."] {Block text 1 version 1 For slight connection text: "Although for this challenge stage your data showed only a slight connection, it would still be wise to keep an eye on your Stress level. version 2 {For Highly and Moderately} This means it would be very wise for you to pay attention to your Stress levels. Block text 2 for Slight, Moderate and Severe: Knowing this combined with your Hay fever Trigger Foods gives you more control over you Hay fever and can totally transform the way you feel. A good nights sleep, light moderate activity, and plenty of water all work together to reduce stress... You'll discover even more about your Hay fever/Stress connection from the next keep tracking! |